
Responses from setonaudio

Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Mihalis,Great review...the thread appreciates your pennies. But, I am with Ozzy on the build quality. It may not be as stout as a $4000 SS amp but it is much, much nicer than a $300 CD player that is usually made with a plastic face and other chea... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Hawk28,Have a read of the website for additional info. Peterayer,Ummm....which one? :) An example of one of my personal systems would be Cary tube gear , USHER BE speakers, and MIT cables.oh..and mostly Fender CS guitars, basses, and equi... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Onhwy61,I have not run across another product that has wowed me as much as Qol has. That said, I think this is the most enthused I have ever been by a product. High capacity music servers are another passion for us but that is to be expected as we... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Milpai,Why too much? If one feels strongly about something, why not express it. As an audiophile, hifi junky, and musician, I think Qol is great and now have a hard time listening to my system without it. Maybe that is the musician in me with Qol ... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Onlywy61... I have made it known...a few times. Like I stated prior... After the first time I heard Qol, I was a believer. I then asked BSGT to allow me to become a dealer. hifigeek1, you should have a listen to may change your opinion as... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Agreed Marc777,Seems like some are trying to find reasons not to embrace a new technology and show how they can try to skin a cat cheaper. I find this a bit odd because most embrace the slight, if any, improvements we get from all the little tweak... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Madfloyd,If I tell you, or better yet post on a forum, that I build computers and can make your laptop perform as good as a multi-processor server can, are you going to believe me because I am a computer geek? I am sure that would be a firm NO, as... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Ozzy, I hear you with "Qol" fidelity. So does Robert Harley and everyone who has purchase a Qol or is eagerly waiting theirs to arrive. It has impressed so many critical and now "wowed" ears that BSGT is sold out of units. Dealers are being told i... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
In response to Onhwy61,Every recording engineer deals with the objective of creating an appropriate middle and side for stereo imaging. And, the range of subjectivity used in choosing this mix varies greatly from one individual to another. Stereo ... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Peterayer,I agree with Ozzy, this would be in addition to the tweaking you already did but to a much larger scale as what you did is not correcting phase. There surely is a noticeable volume increase when Qol is engaged but it does not sound like ... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Peterayer,To my ears, here is what happens. 1) Stage open up to a more natural size and shape. Without Qol, the stage sounds like a typical reproduced stage that we have been trying to make better every year. 2) Depth of the music becomes much mo... 
Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL?
Speaking of Stereo and Qol in the same topic and the anticipation of is a hilarious video that was brought to my attention and I think it is quite appropriate for this topic of emerging technologies. Enjoy! :) 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Yes...we have experimented both ways and actually run it both ways on different sets up we have. For our setups...again, this is for our specific setups. We run Qol behind the preamp in our higher end room with Cary FE211s tube amps and in front o... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Ozzy, thanks for the review and impressions. I am glad you are enjoying your Qol. Thanks to all who are also posting.To address the cable and room treatment comments, I will give my experience as a dealer and from my personal experimentation. Good... 
Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL?
Phil, As a technical person myself, I had many of the same thoughts and reservations you seem to have. I am not one for mystery but rather facts. I then did myself a favor and approached BSGT for an audition. Fact...I loved it and it did what it w...