
Responses from seattle_mike

Closed back headphones and Focal
I'm very interested too.   I have Arya's (love them) and thinking of getting a pair of Focal closed (Celestee) just for variety.   
Dahlquist speaker models, question/experience and today
Speakermaster is right - the DQ8 was a real sleeper.  I liked the DQ12 a lot too.   Didn't have much use for the DQ20.   
Proac Tablette 10 and Response DB3
Is there any reason to get a DB3 over a Tablette 10 Signature?  
Naim XS3 or Elicit-R to replace ELex-R
I'd love some comparisons between the Elex-R, the Elicit-R and the XS3 myself.   I've seen comments about the Elicit-R being too 'incisive' or 'lean' or 'bright'.    I'm a big Rega fan but not keen on 'hyper-detailed' gear.   If I wanted that I'd ... 
Best sounding compact integrated amp < $2k?
I would take the Hegel 190 over any of the other options.   
AudioQuest Niagara 1000
I just ordered one from MD - they say no stock till end of June.   
Proac Tablette 10
I'm very interested in this as well.   Not sure we're going to hear much more about this till after CES in January.   
Looking for integrated better than my Rogue Sphinx
Can you please tell us which of 'the gear this is supposedly made in USA is assembled in USA using Asian made components'?   
Buying Without Audition
I buy things that are like things I like. Harbeths are like Spendors and I like Spendors. So I've bought Harbeths unheard many times and never regretted it.  I've gotten burned a few times buying speakers that are popular that I ended up hating.   
Best Monitor not over 1K, new ot used
Run, do not walk, to and buy a pair of D5's.   They were $999, discontinued now at $599.   The single best buy in a monitor on the market today. They blow the silverlines away, I've owned both (and a boatload of other monitors a... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Wayne Picquet refurbed original Quad ESL's.  I've had a pair about four years now. Either every other speaker is right and the original Quad is wrong or......  
Magneplanar .7 speakers. Have you heard or own them??
I've owned maggies off and on for 30 years.  I would say I'm a fan.   I had the .7's for awhile. Here's the thing I can't get over with maggies... the lack of microdynamics.  Sure, they play loud and sound good on some kinds of music.   But I list... 
Maggie MMG versus Ls3/5a
I've owned a lot of LS3/5a's and a lot of Magnepans, including MMG's. I'd take the LS3/5a any day over the MMG. But tell us more about the Stirling bass extenders - I've never heard a woofer that works well with the LS3/5a. 
Any reviews/impressionsons of Ascend Sierra 2?
I had a pair, they are wonderful. Better than my LS50's. A bargain at the price. 
Is it just me or do others really miss A/D/S?
Huge ADS fan as well. Closest thing I've found to modern ADS is Peachtree D5. Have a set and love them to death.