
Responses from sean

Are there more tirekickers now vs. then?
This is another reason that it is important to leave feedback about "nutcases". Luckily, i have only encountered this one time and i did leave feedback stating what happened. While many people don't have feedback on Audiogon, Audioweb, AudioReview... 
Heating up and cooling and amp
The biggest cause of equipment failure is either due to thermal related stress or surges due to in-rush current when constantly turning equipment off and on. Both have their ups and downs. As long as the equipment is adequately designed AND used w... 
Is heavier the better?
Most of the weight of a component is in the transformer, chassis and heatsinking. If a device uses a smaller transformer, weight AND maximum sustained power is reduced. If an identical amp uses less heatsinking, reliability and maximum sustained p... 
space above amp in rack for cooling
Cornfed could have said the same thing but in a much more civilized manner while STILL answering the question. Then again, we all have our moments, don't we : ) As to the question at hand, i would NOT install that amp into that specific rack. Even... 
"Krell" is a buzzword
Good point. I don't think that ANYONE would LIKE to match bright electronics with dark electronics and "hope for the best". Unfortunately, some people can't afford to just dump everything all at once and replace the offending components. For them,... 
"Krell" is a buzzword
While i agree that the word "Krell" tends to bring about some of the most polarized responses from those involved in audio, there are many other subjects that get people excited. Just mention the terms "vinyl", "digital", "tube", "solid state", et... 
Music Fidelity E624 CD Player
While i am not COMPLETELY sure of this, i think that these were repackaged ( what we call "badge engineering" ) versions of a Marantz player. Don't hold me to that, but that is what i was told by someone in the industry. Sean > 
SunfireTheater Grand ???
Thanks for the follow-up, but i found nothing to confirm your statement anywhere on their website. I'm going to give them a call in the morning and find out exactly is involved. Sean > 
Why didn't this biamp strategy work?
It's quite possible that the two different amps have different overall gains, sonic qualities, measurements, input / output impedances, etc... This could be due to TONS of various reasons. One of them is age. ANY tube based product will alter with... 
As a side note, i think that there is quite a bit of confusion about what is "metal" and what is "hard rock". While i know that some bands fall into both genres ( Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc..), many of the names that keep popping up here are N... 
Dust ??? Dust was Marky Ramone's band. His real name is Mark (or maybe Marc) Bell. If you look at the pictures of him on the albums, you'll instantly recognize the "traditional" Ramones look of long stringy hair, cheap leather jacket, blown out kn... 
SunfireTheater Grand ???
Drop me an email and we can go from there. Sean > 
Dirt-Cheap Phono Pre-Amp
Musical Fidelity X-LP or X-LPS. Has both a MM and MC section that is switch selectable. Whether or not you like the cosmetics is the question. Sean > 
Internal Amp Wire: Can it be improved?
If you do decide to alter the wiring, i would make a VALIANT effort at removing the original wiring as neatly and cleanly as possible. Label each wire individually, mark the direction that the wire was "flowing" and then make some type of chart to... 
do tubes rock ??
Out of curiousity, was the Boogie a double or triple rectifier ? As to the Peavey amps, i've always found the Ultra 120 to be far more satisfying and versatile than the 5150. Sean >