
Responses from sean

Running a CD player directly into power amps,
Yeah, i guess i should have commented that you will either need a variable output on the CD or input attenuators on the amp. Running line level out of the CD into most amps will either blow the speakers or the amp. So much for "assuming" : ) Sean> 
Running a CD player directly into power amps,
I see no problem with doing such so long as the input impedance of the amp is at least equal to or higher than the output impedance of the CD player. In other words, the CD player might have a 50 ohm output. The input impedance of the amp should b... 
How often do you listen to live music?
Back when i was young ... : )I used to see live performances sometimes 3 - 5 times a week. A lot of times, i'd end up working the sound board even though i showed up as a "civilian". Of course, this depended on who was playing, where it was at, et... 
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?
Duke, i've never seen or heard the Avantgarde's. Given my past experience with listening and modifying horns, i have a REAL hard time believing that they could sound "good" to MY ears. I've read the reviews and customer raves, but that is just a L... 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Please remember one thing guys ( and "gurls" ): I am basing my statements on personal experience and what i've been able to learn from other "reliable sources" over the years. As such, i have no first hand dealings with any of the Sound Labs or ot... 
Power Conditioner Decision
Supa, thanks for the follow-up. My suggestion is to pick up a relatively inexpensive yet "trusted" PLC and see what it does for you. If you like the basic results, then go for something more expensive that may be even more beneficial. I see no sen... 
Roger Waters...
With the raves that you guys are giving the vinyl version, i would be VERY tempted to pick one up. That is, if i thought the CD was "good" in the first place. Listenable at times, but nowhere near as good as his Floyd stuff. To each their own... S... 
best used transport 400-700
I ran a Delta with the Millennium II and thought it worked nicely. You might want to look for a Theta Pearl, G & D Transforms, Wadia, etc... They will cost more than the Delta but also perform better. Cosmetically, the Pearl would be a good ma... 
Interest in an interconnect
This sounds like an excellent idea and something that i too have thought about. While the Cable Company offers something along the same lines, it is not quite what you described. Letting the public access the various cable reviews and info could b... 
Tuner question
Abe, the E-50 was disco'd about a year to a year and a half ago. It was the "budget" version of their "sardine can" Xplora model built into a "standard" chassis. While the Xplora had remote capability, the E-50 doesn't ( as far as i know of ). I t... 
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?
Any speaker that makes use of metal throated horn bodies can tend to sound hard, bright, glaring, piercing, ringy, metalic, etc... It is not necessarily the driver itself but the horn body adding its' sonic signature. Anybody that thinks that this... 
Anyone own or auditioned speakers by Legacy?
Take Lak's advice and read that thread. It covers a LOT of ground. Given the description of your "very open" and "big" room, i would think that the Focus would be more suitable of the two mentioned. I personally think that the Signature III's are ... 
Classe, Sunfire, or EAD
I was in the same boat, tried out several processors, didn't find anything that was really well balanced or reasonably priced and then just decided to wait. I was interested in the Sunfire but after contacting them, decided to wait again. They wil... 
Power Conditioner Decision
I would suggest investing in a very high powered CB radio with an indoor antenna. You can then create MASS kaos with the offending neighbors when they start to hear some "jerk" coming through their stereos, TV's and telephones. If you can get it s... 
What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?
Thanks for jumping in there Frank. You made the same point that i would about large panel's having "reasonable" (albeit very good quality in terms of being quick and tight) bass but nothing in the same league as an array of large dynamic pistons t...