
Responses from sean

Subwoofer isolation
Outside of working on the subwoofer situation, you should also take a look at how you have your TT's installed. Sean> 
Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature-Speakers??
Speakers typically don't "blow" from having a big amp unless you "piledrive" them for an extended period of time. It is typically the reverse situation i.e. "clipping" ( heavy distortion ) of an under-powered amp that brings on speaker damage.Havi... 
Output filter Caps
Gs5556: I mean no disrespect, but your figures and assumptions are way out in left field on this one. The amp already has two 22,000 uF caps in it from the factory for a total of 44,000 uF's. Why would anyone want to reduce total capacitance by a ... 
Latest Peter Gabriel
I have to admit that i'm not the biggest Peter Gabriel fan in the world. However, i have no problem listening to his stuff either. Having said that, my girlfriend ( who is a BIG fan ) has already purchased tickets for she and i to go see him when ... 
Audio vs. Other Reviews
While i agree with the two previous posts to a great extent, i'd also like to add that each one of the examples that you chose to list ( computer games, cars, etc... ) are all "stand-alone" products. In other words, you can judge a car or computer... 
Full range rear speakers
George, i agree that there are times when "full range" does increase the effects and enjoyment. However, i think that "full range" is a relative thing. If a speaker can do 50 Hz with reasonable authority and roll off below that, i think that it wo... 
Output filter Caps
Yes, adding more filter capacitance can greatly increase bottom end impact, lower the noise floor, provide greater dynamic range, etc... Keep in mind that you will have a greater amount of "in-rush current" ( turn on surge ) if you increase the po... 
Wattgate 381 v. Hubbell 8300 cryogenically treated
If i recall correctly, there was a member here who posted a "shoot-out" that they did with three identical sets of cables. They used a "stock" set of cables that had been used normally, another set of cables that were "burned" on some type of a "c... 
Taking the bad with the good
My post was not meant to single out Linn or any other specific manufacturer. It was meant to show that, even with the "assuredness" of knowing that the components "should" have worked together, they didn't. Whether this was from poor speaker posit... 
Will t-spades from AP oval 12's fit ?
I think i remember reading elsewhere that they do not fit. Hopefully, someone that has first hand experience will confirm / deny these thoughts. Sean> 
Can anyone tell me about CD demagnatizers?
I originally purchased the Bedini Clarifier. This was the first version, which was hand held and powered by batteries. I slapped a disc on it and held the switch, powering the device for the recommended time period. I think that this was something... 
Wattgate 381 v. Hubbell 8300 cryogenically treated
Lak: Thanks for posting your findings. As you know, i've been hunting around for some outlets. I'll probably pick up some Hubbell's and have them cryo'd locally. Sounds like the most bang for the buck. With as many outlets as i have to change, i r... 
Full range rear speakers
A lot of this has to do with the individual movies that you watch. Most movies don't have full range sound from the rears and as such, it can be a waste for much of what you watch. As more movies are mixed in DTS and / or similar formats, you will... 
Speakers that are matched well with Krell
A local dealer that used to sell Krell told me that B&W's mated very well with that brand of amp / preamp. The sound that i heard in their showroom with that combo was always pretty decent. That dealer ended up losing their Krell account due t... 
Amps Used With Infinity Rs1..Successfully or....
Rwd: Rick, the Perreaux PMF-3150B makes the 2150B sound "weak and anemic" in terms of bass impact and slam. I found this out in a direct comparison. While i would not encourage you to sell your 2150 outright to purchase a 3150, i would say that i ...