
Responses from sean

Scratched discs - what do to?
I've used Auric and it allowed a machine to play a disc that was previously locking the machine up i.e. total shut-down in terms of audio output. It works but also alters the sonics. My personal advice is to NOT use the marker on the CD's, but oth... 
WOW SACD machines really do need time to break in.
I bought the first Police disc on SACD. Even if i played it or the machine 300,000 times, i don't think that it would ever sound "good". Save your money on that one folks. Sean> 
Power cord? Why?
Eldartford: Forget about buying parts, doing the assembly, twisting the wires, etc... There are PLENTY of mass produced cables like this on the market that you can buy for a few bucks. Hbarrel: Glad to hear that you've got good power where you are... 
optical or coaxial audio cable?
So, what you are saying is that all of these Fiber Optic cables that various phone companies are burying for long term use will all have to be dug up and replaced on a regular basis ? Sean> 
Amp suggestion for Legacy Focus
Gordon: Why not try your Studio's for the surrounds ? My Dad is running Classic's for his mains and Studio's for his center and surrounds. Personally, i like the Studio's better than i do the big speakers. Sean> 
Collective letter s to Stereophile
Lee: While it might have ended up being a "dogpile" on me, i'm not crying foul. Let's just say i opened up all the cages and expected something like that to happen : )As far as why i "stuck up" for Mikey, i think we all know what it's like when pe... 
Collective letter s to Stereophile
Mprime: Cut Mike some slack. He came over here after getting worked up in another thread. As such, i'm sure that he was not "thinking elegantly". It's easy to spew "less than polite" responses when someone stepped on your "tallywhacker" : ) Sean> 
Halo JC-1, Part 2
If you've only got one twenty amp feeding both amps, you will end up choking them. You need a separate twenty for each amp. Other than that, glad to see you are having a good experience with these amps. Now all you need to do is start throttling t... 
Has anyone tried this?
I've got satellite and the stations are compressed. I can tell this even though my sat receiver is connected through analogue outputs due to the fact it doesn't have a digital out. It's an old receiver : ) Sean> 
For anyone buying a modified SACD player.
I guess i'm crazy then, as i both honor and extend the warranty of all of gear that i modify to include lifetime labor coverage. Then again, i don't work in the audio field. I just wish i could get the prices that audio modifiers charge : ) Sean> 
Pro vs. Consumer Equipment
I agree Forever. Active multi-amplification and / or much simpler crossover design goes a LONG way in terms of what we hear from a system. That is primarily why i'm a "fan" of active crossover / mulit-amping and / or "true" full range single drive... 
Soundstaging and imaging are audiophile fictions.
Detlof: My comments apply less to large gatherings of instruments ( orchestra ) than they do to smaller groups. For one thing, larger groups must be "mashed together", which minimizes separation and makes localization harder to achieve. On top of ... 
Power cord? Why?
Following Audioengr's comments, especially since i know what he's getting at, i would suggest a cable of very low inductance against a "typical" zip style power cord of adequate gauge. Using the "crummy" stock cord as a reference should work fine ... 
Dan Wright "Absolute Truth" mod for SCD-1 / 777es
Mejames: Thanks for posting that info. Now if i could just teach you guys how to leave a very simple link for stuff like that, we'd have it made : ) Sean>PS... for those that want to learn how to leave "clickable links", PLEASE direct your mous... 
8 Time Grammy Award Winner? For Real?
Buscis: Not only do you not have to write your own material to win a grammy, i don't think that you have to play your own instruments either : ) Sean>