
Responses from sean

Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?
If tube gear doesn't have a stand-by mode, you should turn it completely off. Most SS gear that is properly designed can be left on. As i type this, i have 12 of the 14 SS power amps that i use turned on along with the other support components for... 
Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?
Dweller: Your post didn't come across as a "funny" to me. Other than that, i wasn't "gouging" on you or what you said, but was asking who / what / where you were drawing your references from and went on to explain why i had the thoughts that i did... 
What Cart. for a Infinity Black widow
John: I'm running linear tracking arms over here. Pivoted arms are for those that like archaic technology : )I know nothing about Empire cartridges other than what i heard back in the late 70's / early 80's out of them. They weren't worth owning f... 
Home audio drivers vs. car audio drivers
Drew: To those that understand what Fs, Qts and impedane mean, they will understand exactly what you're getting at. For those that are reading this, it probably went right over their heads : )Speakers are designed very differently as they have ver... 
Canare StarQuad or Monster XP speaker cable?
The first two that i suggested aren't bad looking at all whereas the latter looks like a simple low grade communications cable, almost like phone cord. The picture that Parts Express has on their website for the first two cables doesn't do them ju... 
What Cart. for a Infinity Black widow
Dopogue: I have both a Stanton and the latest Shure V15. The Shure is slower, less revealing and lacks coherence during complex dynamic passages. It is a good "universal" cartridge in that it is competent and works reasonably well in most any arm ... 
Stupid question of the day: Should I leave Amp on?
Dweller: What "experts" are you speaking for? While i'm no expert on anything other than running my mouth, in my opinion, Class A or very rich AB amps benefit the most from constant power. This is primarily due to the wide temperature swing and st... 
making connections ?
Kg: I don't see a problem with what you want to do other than the heat that you mentioned. Obviously, try to keep the cables away from the heat as best possible. Other than re-routing the cables right off the bat, explain to them that they stand t... 
Canare StarQuad or Monster XP speaker cable?
Based on bang for the buck, here are the cables that i would suggest. These are all spiral wrapped star quad's, much like the Canare's. This geometry, when properly employed, reduces the potential for RFI ( RF Interference ) and high frequency los... 
What Cart. for a Infinity Black widow
Try a Stanton 881S in this arm. The very high compliance ( 35 ) of the Stanton makes it perfect for the very low mass Black Widow. If ordering one of these, i would suggest doing business with Kevin at KAB Electro-Acoustics. At the time of orderin... 
What do Oil Caps do and how do they effect sound?
Bombaywalla: I have pulled apart dozens of high current RF transistors and found blown junctions in them. All of these were still working albeit at reduced output due to the loss of internal conductors. Many transistors use several junctions in pa... 
What do Oil Caps do and how do they effect sound?
I've seen testing where oil caps did marvelously well in terms of passing a signal with minimal degradation. Don't ask me what brands they were, as the brands weren't mentioned. Having said that, many find oil caps to be soft, warm and musical sou... 
The Flaming Lips are Go Manifesto
The "advertising geeks" aka "Mr Suit" are the "punks" of yesteryear. As such, the ads that they come up with cater to those of their generation. We have become our parents and part of the establishment, whether we like it or not.That is, at least ... 
Any Kinergetics SW800 Owners???
Cross them over as low as possible and lay them down sideways i.e. forget about using them as towers. This will eat up a LOT more real estate in the room, but it will provide better response as a subwoofer. You might want to experiment with placin... 
Does good DAC improve sonics of low end transport
Jazzdude: I bet i know someone that will "volunteer". And it's not me : ) Sean>