
Responses from sdcampbell

Best Amp & Pre-amp combo for under $2000 ???
Kray: Unless you have a specific need for separates, I urge you to also given serious consideration to one of the better integrated amps available today. There are a number that are well worth considering, and unless you need an amp with a lot of ... 
$500 total to get into vinyl, what would you buy?
The Rega P3, MMF-5, Pro-Ject, and VPI Jr. can all be had, with a decent arm, for around $500 used. Any of these should meet your needs nicely. 
Klipsch love them or hate them.
Actually, Taters, there a many speakers sold today that are far worse than the Klipsch line. I'm not attacking your point of view, but rather want to offer a somewhat different perspective.I had a part-time job in the early 1990's and I sold Klips... 
Hi end audio who cares
Taters and others:Your posts point out one of the sad realities today: high quality reproduction of music in the home doesn't matter much to the vast majority of people, although people will spend substantial sums on home theater systems.I think t... 
Best table & arm combo for $10K
I doubt that more than a few audiophiles, except maybe professional reviewers, has any first-hand, personal experience with more than 2 of these high-end turntable / tonearm combos. I have heard only two of them: the VPI TNT-V (although not the "H... 
Best device for adjusting cartridge overhang.
Yes, the Denneson "Geometric Soundtracktor" is an excellent device, although rather hard to find. It was distributed by Sumiko, and may still be available from them, although the all-metal version was quite pricey -- around $200, as I recall. I ha... 
RCA shaded dog ???
Tarsando is essentially correct, but since this topic arises with some frequency, let me add a couple of details. The great RCA "Living Stereo" LP's of the late 1950's and early 1960's had two distinctive labels, both featuring the RCA dog Nipper ... 
Where have the long-time regulars gone?
Unsound:No, I haven't been in a living situation where I could get another dog. I remarried about 10 years ago, and my wife is a decided cat person. We have a great cat, but it doesn't replace my Schnauzers. You are right that Schnauzers are hunds... 
Best sounding vinyl
In addition to Classic Records, Analog Productions, and the other labels listed above, there is a new Japanese label called "Eighty-Eights" which is releasing brand new jazz recordings (with top name American jazz artists) that are pressed on 180 ... 
Vandersteen users; do you biamp?
Well, I haven't found that Vandies need to be bi-amped to sound their best, provided you have a good quality amp driving them. I have, however, found that bi-wiring provides better sound quality with Vandies than using a jumper plug and single spe... 
How good are the Harbeth 40's?
Emster:One of the people you might want to contact about Harbeth speakers is Charlie, one of the Audiogon "oldtimers". Charlie owns Harbeth speakers, and he corresponds regularly with a goodly number of other Harbeth owners. Charlie's user name he... 
Round Two: Best Speakers for LOUD music and rock??
Sean: All good points in response to my post. I should have said in my post that the Vandersteen speakers will not play at very high volume levels in large part because they use a first-order crossover, and most speakers that have first-order cros... 
anyone know who caught the baton in your opinion?
Probably the Beatles... 
Round Two: Best Speakers for LOUD music and rock??
Hi, Jeff:While it is certainly not my personal business, and I mean no disrespect to you, I must urge you to use caution about the volume levels you are apparently using when listening. There is substantial research evidence that shows you will su... 
Where have the long-time regulars gone?
Kelly: I understand all too well how you feel with Sluggo's passing. About 15 years ago, I had 4 miniature Schnauzers that I was nuts about. I had to have all of them euthanised over a roughly 14 month period, and I was a basket case after each on...