
Responses from sdcampbell

How do you ship heavy oversized speakers
When I bought a pair of used Vandersteen 3A's from Audio Connections in New Jersey, and they had to be shipped to Seattle, WA, Audio Connections used a private trucking company. I can't remember the name of the trucking firm, but they are a nation... 
Cardas Cap Panic Buying
I have been fascinated for about a year with the tendency to overbid on auction items. About 6 months ago, I participated in an auction of some used/demo JVC XRCD CD's, one of which eventually sold for $41. I purchased the same CD -- new -- from A... 
Best value for the buck speaker cables
Each person who responds to your post will have their own "best value" predicated on how much money they are willing to spend on speaker cables. I personally believe that high-end speaker cables and interconnects are the biggest single "rip off" i... 
If you are willing to be patient, and buy used gear, look for a pair of Vandersteen 3A's which are sometimes available for around $1750-1800. Excellent, full-range speaker system that does very well with high-powered transistor amps. The chances a... 
Best Reagae CD ?
If you are looking for an "audiophile" quality reggae CD, there is a an "audiophile" quality recording on the Wildchild/Mapleshade label. The title is "Ras Mek Peace", and the group is a Washington D.C. band "Midnite". I bought the CD as a listeni... 
Best balanced interconnects under 350
I recently bought the "Silver Lace" from HomeGrownAudio and am VERY pleased with it. It has 8 braided strands of solid core, 26 gauge silver wire with high quality RCA jacks, and you buy a 1-meter kit (DIY, assemble and solder) for about $180. I'v... 
dvd vs cd?
I have made several previous posts on this topic, and haven't drawn too much ire from others. I do not personally believe that it makes good sense to buy a CD player given the technology changes that are taking place. I recently replaced my Rega P... 
Wanted...Recommendations on Mapleshade
I have about 20 recordings on this label (and its relative, WildChild). I have mixed feelings about this label: some of their recordings are technically excellent, but the music wears a bit thin after several listenings. Also, the recording techni... 
Acurus or ATI or Adcom ?? help.
In my initial post, I should also have suggested two other amps that you should consider: the Rotel line (a value leader), and the new line of Marsh amps. 
Need Speaker Recommendation 1600
Since you seem to buying with a home theater need in mind, I'd recommend one of the brands you are already considering: Vandersteen. The Vandy 2Ce's or 2Ce Signatures are an excellent all-round speaker that work very well in both audio and HT syst... 
Cable Costs Relative to System
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the current issue of "Listener" (march/April) has a feature article on interconnects, "Our Favorite Audio Cables". Ten of their writers/contributing editors discuss their favorites, etc. 
Cable Costs Relative to System
I almost always agree with the comments submitted by Trelja, and we are again in complete agreement. Unless you guys that are spending thousands of dollars on wire have entirely different hearing than me and my wife(I've been an audiophile for 40 ... 
Acurus or ATI or Adcom ?? help.
After reviewing your various alternatives, I have a couple of thoughts/observations;1. Plan A: you should be able to get the 3 used Adcom 555'sfor around $1200, and maybe less. I have owned the 555, the 555-II, and currently have an Adcom 5503 dri... 
VPI 10/VPI MK IV/Grado Reference HELP
Three immediate things to check: 1. make sure TT ground is connected to good ground point;2. make sure preamp ground is good;3. make sure that interconnects are solidly seated. If all this checks out OK, you may have a ground problem with the cart... 
Are Homegrown Interconnects shielded??
As already noted, they are not shielded. However, the braided design used by Kimber and HomeGrownAudio tends to reduce problems from RFI, etc. I have the Silver Lace cable between my preamp and power amp, and Silver Solution interconnect on all of...