
Responses from scp

Tip for blues lovers
Tip for blues lovers
I have been enjoying Hans Theessink lately...for a more acoustic blues recorded very well.   If you have Tidal...there is a playlist titled "whiskey slow blues SQ" lots of well recorded blues      
Tip for blues lovers
I listened to  Muireann Bradley for a couple songs last ...not sure I would classify it blues in the stricted since...maybe a lil bluesy folkish americanaish. VERY well recorded...will give it another listen when I'm in the mood. Thanks   tomcy6... 
Tip for blues lovers
Thanks!!! She is in my que for tonight.  
New to me von schweikert v4 upgrade 5/7 looking for amp
I’ll tell my experience...I have VS VR4jr euro speakers. Bought in about 15 years ago. At the time you probably have ...and its was reported best but complcated thing was to BIAMP VS with tube top and SS bottom. 2nd best was SS with... 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
Anybody know if the Dude is availible to order with home theatre bypass? 
Best amp for Von Schweikert VR4SR mk2?
I have Spectron mono's with my VR4-jr euro-mods. I started with a single stereo amp with bybees and vcaps. I was real pleased so I added the other..probably overkill for me but I couldn't resist. The Spectron replaced a Bryston amp..I couldn't bel... 
What preamps outshine the Aesthetix Calypso?
Edorr ...not to highjack this thread..but how do you get HT bypass using analog input?Makes this option interesting to me 
Bi-Amping 2 Interconnects or Y Cable?
I got my Y adaptor from Purist Audio Designs, I think in the $250-300 range, Origanaly had two runs of rca and like the sound better with the Y cons. 
Lampizator Transport?
The solution isn't with the is with the Music Vault. I am no expert..but talked to Neil at Sound Science that sells the MV and was told it could be ran directly to a premium DAC without using a network.I am a zero network experience guy a... 
Lampizator Transport?
Actually most of my issues come after power outages and surges..I went wired thinking it would help..Nope. I have to do a factory reset and then last time TP upgraded to 7.6.0...yikes took me two weeks to get it straightened out. Duet is still not... 
Lampizator Transport?
If your issues with the Lamp are connectivity to your network..IMHO..I would not fault it. I battle network issues with my Duet and my Transporter every now and then. Enough that I am looking for an alternative. Right now the music vault with a qu... 
Ideas re Spectron mated to Joule-Electra
I have Modwright Transporter feeding LA150 MKII SE to Spectron Monoblocs to VSA Vr-4 jr's. I am very happy and would love some day to upgrade to LA300. I started with one Spectron(latest with all upgrades) after moving from a Bryston amp and was a... 
SS amps for VSA VR4jr
I have the VSA JR's mated with Spectron MKIII and am very happy. I think the jr's are very underated. I am afraid to upgrade to anything else. I bought a Spectron with all the latest for a little more than 3K. 
Best Sounding Passive Preamp
I bought the Axiom from Luminous Audio when my pre went to the shop..and thought I was buying a cheap POS to fill I surprised. It made me realize passive is worth a second look.