
Responses from scott22

suspending monitors from the ceiling
WillieW    To look good and to sound good at a good price.  
suspending monitors from the ceiling
So it seems there is some benefit or emphasis on some of the qualities of good sound by hanging speakers. Bass would be handled by subwoofers on the floor. The CD player is my main source.   
suspending monitors from the ceiling
I just wanted to complement my deprivation tank that was outfitted with some inwall speakers by having a second system that is more open and airy.   
suspending monitors from the ceiling
Fuzztone you are taking it to another level.  
suspending monitors from the ceiling
Tom Just a space cowboy bet you weren't ready for that lol  and imagine if they are self powered no F in cables, speakers just floating in air, I can hear em playin Hendrix Jamin  Poli Gap,  Woo.   
suspending monitors from the ceiling
I was thinking of a thick plexiglass base anchored to joists suspended with a deep see transparent fishing line (you ever catch a tuna ) it would have no problem with the speaker weight.they could be hung at any level and would look cool in my eye... 
Canton Reference 9k opinions
Milkdudd I own the 9k for a year now and use the JAMO C 80 sub in a room 12 x16 I use a SS Technic sug700 integrated amp. 70 watts a side I play CDs. The soundstage ,imaging, detail, are all very good Dynamic range is also big with the woofer adde... 
Poor Customer Service
My beef is with Technics and parent company Panasonic I've made it known on other threads. I bought their SUG700 a fine piece no issues but I wanted to know more about the product than in their manual so I tried the phone numbers in the manual onl... 
Analog is obsolete pure digital not class D ...
Fuzztone  I do not understand your comment.  
Analog is obsolete pure digital not class D ...
erik_squires would that be an improvement over class D or just a variation of a class D sound which I understand to be light in the bass. My knowledge is also light on such matters but it sounds like an amp for everyone SS and analog guys alike as... 
Analog is obsolete pure digital not class D ...
phCollie he would give "Willie and the hand jive" a run. yea agreed albums are dead, CDs are dead, even the grateful dead is dead.   
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
It's for rich cats with a ton of disposable income for the rest of us as  PT Barnum is credited with saying There is a sucker born every minute. One observation reading posts here for a year or so it is my belief the audiophile community is fertil... 
Critical listening and altered states
I enjoy reading these posts to observe what must be altered states of many of the responders. 50 plus years ago I took a photography darkroom course. The professor would begin each class by placing someone's work from the previous class for us to ... 
Another GaN smaller integrated, Technics SU-G30 has everything bar the kitchen sink.
As noted before in my earlier post my SUG700 sounds awesome over my Canton 9k reference speakers' unbelievable detail and not bright or etched, except if pushed near clipping levels( speakers88dB) in any way. My headphone section using my Focals i... 
GaN based SU-R1000 Technics Integrated Class-D, review by TAS
georgehifi  Plus 1 I own the baby technics  SUG 700 integrated amp I picked up on here at a steep discount thank you very much to the seller. My only gripe I wish it had more power but really not needed in my system. The SUG700 is beautiful to loo...