Responses from scott22
Speakers Nominal Power handling/Amplifier Millercarbon, Lowrider 57, elliottbnewcombjr, Thank you for your time and expertise. it was educational and insightful. The speakers could play a bit louder on occasion with certain recordings but on most of my listening, the sound level is fine. ... | |
New Canton Reference K Series...? I'm a rookie so I have no frame of reference for comparing them but own the 9k bookshelf . I love the sound very detailed micro detailed they vanish not at all harsh, or bright very good imaging and sound stage. Not at allfatiguing. Also On youtub... | |
Thousands of tubes for sale jjss49 if you are using facebook you might want to go to their "marketplace" and run a search I bet there are ads like this in your area. Actually, there were a few like this when I looked a bit deeper. | |
Help a newbie understand Stringreen I loved those Snells but after 30 years I just wanted something different that was in my limited budget and geo proximity. The Snells also were power-hungry but the Adcom had 200 watts per to drive them. A lateral arabesque indeed but o... | |
Help a newbie understand Big _greg yes our speakers are the same mine is the newer version of yours. I do not think I am playing them super loud either but I wanted to have some idea of what danger I am putting them in as far as clipping of the amp. My goal is not to blo... | |
Help a newbie understand Millercarbon Thank you I'm learning a lot. Darn really like those Cantons but then again I really only have a couple of frames of reference. Sad all the local stereo stores have died off. As a kid I used to go to Soundex( spelling ?) in Willow Gro... | |
Help a newbie understand Wow guys thank you so much nekoaudio, elliotbnewcomb, and fuzztone for your explanation and advice very much appreciated. I'm playing at different levels depending on the cd and even song .the "Who" Zepplin, Stones Beatles, Tull, etc. the needle... | |
What other hobby... Sports was my main bliss ex-pro baseball( minors) until I blew out my pitching arm, then an USTA 5 tennis player until I blew out the other arm. Picked up some sticks and was a USGA 7 handicap when I blew out my back. Now I'm a newbie audiophile u... | |
Audio research Ref.3 vs Primaluna Dialogue premium preamp I just entered and know very little about this hobby/obsession but in my quest for understanding, I took the tour of AR on two youtube shows. I was struck by their attention to detail, commitment to quality(Woo), voicing their product AND their ab... | |
Need helpful recommendations for next two purchases twoch if I'm dead what do I care.Thanks again everyone for your time and expert and experiential advice very much appreciated. Will take a fresh look at integrated amps and preamp/DAC like a Mytech Brooklyn bridge or the Elac Alchemy while over my... | |
Need helpful recommendations for next two purchases Big brother is watching so this popped up on my computer this morning. | |
Need helpful recommendations for next two purchases ericsch connections. A number of folks mentioned an integrated amp Why not separates like the XTZ edge a 300 or someone brought up Odyssey Kharrtagn.or Stratos could even bi amp them would that not sound much better then an integrated amp? I cou... | |
Need helpful recommendations for next two purchases Again thanks for all the advice I have not listened to many systems so my frame of reference is severely limited.From what I've heard from youtube videos of audio shows Woo my gear is like 10% of what I hear but also 1/100 the cost. My budget is ... | |
Need helpful recommendations for next two purchases I guess I was unclear I know the Emotiva is not a streamer. I was trying to avoid paying for a streamer that is also a preamp and a DAC which my Emotiva is. | |
What do/did you do for a living? I played sports as a profession. Baseball all state as a kid got a free ride through college playing ball then double A pros. blew out the right arm career ended. Lived on an estate of a nationally ranked senior tennis player became a USTA 5 in t... |