
Responses from scon90

Cables for Soundlab speakers
There is nothing obviously wrong with the system. Imaging could be a bit better as well as bass definition. Source is a SFCD 1 cd player through a SFL 2 pre-amp. Using Bear Labs Silver Lightning XLR interconnects. The speakers are about 3 feet fro... 
Speaker Cable for Thiel 3.6
I used Straightwire rhapsody cables with good results and they can be found for a great price. 
What's your profession? Age?
Sorry, that would be " crossing guard" 
What's your profession? Age?
Crossig guard. System retails about $190 K. Don't ask me anything else. 
Your Analog Front End
I am using a Linn LP 12 with the Lingo power supply. It originally came with an Akito arm and I was using a Sumiko Blue Point. About 18 months ago upgraded the cartridge to a Benz Micro Glider. 3 months ago changed the arm to the Ekos. My phono st... 
Tax time
Refund? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!Taxes? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!What was the question? 
Electrostatic or Dynamic
I have dynamic speakers at my house, I have electrostatic speakers at my girlfriends house. I don't have to choose this way but I understand your problem. I don't know what else to say. 
Techno Anyone?
I've got a bunch of 12 inch vinyl from the late 80's; Cetu Javu, T99, Paul Rutherford, Section 25,Propaganda, Peter Schilling, etc... It does sound great and I still love to listen to it. I am more glad than ever that I bought it and kept it! 
mit mh750cvt series2 with ist sp.cables
I used a pair of MH 750 cvt+ shotgun cables with Avalon Radians and ARC tube amp. The sound was very good, no brightness and no loss of detail that I could hear. They replaced a pair of Straightwire cables and were a step up. I am selling the MIT ... 
How do you ship heavy oversized speakers
I had some large speakers(225lbs each) shipped from Seattle to Houston via Continental (or was it Delta?) air cargo. It was very reasonable ($275? for pair) AND I got them the next day. The only drawback was I had to go to the airport and pick the... 
cartridge suggestions w/ LP12
There is a Ruby with a .8 mv output(Ruby H) that would be fine as far as output goes. The glider I use now is .9mv and that seems fine. After I buy this cartridge I won't have any pennies left to solder into the phono stage, if you know what I mea... 
cartridge suggestions w/ LP12
How much better do you think the Ruby would sound, I believe that there is a good trade in allowance for Benz micro products so I can go higher than "retail" with those 
cartridge suggestions w/ LP12
Do they have a high enough output? 
cartridge suggestions w/ LP12
Actually would like to keep it "reasonable", $2000 range 
cartridge suggestions w/ LP12
how much ya got?