
Discussions scoly1 has started

HDnet concerts on Dishnetwork?32353
Integra DHC 40.129420
Proceed AVP?43516
Pacific Valve Dac 60...Tubes?458410
DVD audio to Hard Drive for Slim Device?15572
SB Duet Sound Quality Improvement?512611
Tagging problem with dbpoweramp/sb?20532
Wired or wireless duet?244211
Squeezebox Vs Duet802421
Upgrade B&K Ref 20 to Proceed AVP?41794
Upgrade path...Need suggestions33686
Room Treatments and WAF? Long532622
Gallo 3.1 Mains...What for the surrounds-Center431910
Soundstage...How to determine what's right?1118128
Suggestions needed. Speaker audition...Dallas?951420