
Responses from schubert

Record Store Day postponed due to Corona Virus
Strange that there are 3 million American Ex-Pats that want to stay there till the day they death do them part..I was in Germany in the Army for 6 years . MANY guys took their discharge there and are still there .When I was in Berlin many Brits do... 
Naim Unitiqute -- repair or cut my losses?
Very true and Canadians are generally on the up and up . 
Visiting audio stores?
In other words US medical system  is so "f....d up it can not do what South Korea medical system  can do ! 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
A pair of  Quad S-5 speakers, the MSP was $2700 , I bought then mint for 1200 $ and they play in the 7500 $ range . 
Power Amplifier Longevity
I have owned about 50 amps .In my experience things start to go south after 15 years but as the decline is slow your ears adjust to the decline till about 20 years . 
Vivaldi, played badly, is the worst classical music on earth
cleeds .That is why I used the word DISPARAGE  which has nothing to do with taste in English .  As does your post . 
Vivaldi, played badly, is the worst classical music on earth
Anyone who disparages  Mozart or Vivaldi is , at best., an ignorant fool .  
Do any of you "meditate" on your music?
You can   meditate in the quite of a church , in the hustle and bustle of aNew York street  , the beauty of the Adirondack mountains , lying in bed and even in in a fire-fight of battle . I have done all that . There is no limit .What carries me i... 
Recommended Sennheiser or Bose Headphones
Bose are good for silence on planes period .  
Do any of you "meditate" on your music? start every day with a Bach Cantata , a praise to God .  In English this  piece is  (Awake, calls the voice to us ) Often played around Easter and the voice is that of God . . 
Worse yet , the best Jazz Fest in North America  will no doubt meet the same fate .All over Canada the mourning is as bad as it gets , the National Hockey League shut down for the year.And I just bought a condo in Montreal last week . 
Cartridge Upgrade - Nagaoka or Goldring
1042 is a fine cartridge but can be bit harsh with classical . 
Sennheiser or Beyerdynamic?
Beyers are made better and sound more natural .Also cheaper models like the DT 990Pro are still being made after several decades  because they still are doing the job ! 
upgrade Dynaudio Special 40 to Kef Reference 1
The boys told it like it is .        There is no upgrade is silly . 
Bose 901
Oldschool , you must have in the Air Farce to have a system like that in Germany !We Infantrymen could buy them but seldom bought anything over 6 ounces .