
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
Other side of Rameau with powerful French band . his clavecin magic . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Jim204I just completed my Olafsson Debussy& Rameau CD.The pride of Iceland was born to play this French music ! Very well balanced , no great this or that , just the music as written with the clarity of a mountain stream and as agile as a deer... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Or from God himself . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Although I have sheet music on the way and have studied this , this is where  rv  has me  .If you chose to  learn this you can you can be a great composer too ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
 No rvpiano  but not bad for 5 . 
Classical Music for Aficionados tells me pop music  was better 5 centuries ago . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
As of late we have seen the light , Bach was the only music in the Universe music  would still be Gods greatest gift to man . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
The Fournier is my favorite . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Most Americans don't know where Canada is and  if they did would not believe they had an Army . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Aye , and a little known fact . In both WW 1 and WW II the Canadians did better than ANY other allied troops . I was astonished to learn the Canadians with a wee 3 Divisions were the "British" shock troops for last 2 years and never were a day off... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Jim, I saw your Bag Pipe advice and right you are .I’m caught between being an old squatty and hating war .Well , the 51st HD was the best example  of Scottish cannon fodder  in English Military History in both WW1 and WW II and this IS Classical ... 
Bagpipe Music
Somehow Scottish Pipers get better when they get to London , home sickness perhaps . Look closely on the Monument , That 51st Highland Division was the greatest unit ever sent to war in all of British  Military History ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Granny meant all things come to an end Jim . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Well Jim , it’s a happy day when I see Strathclyde took London Imperial down in the BBC Uni challenge . And a bad one when I see Sturgeon fair in tears as she watches the fools swally their lives away with the pubs opening .Oh well , as my Gorbels... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
rv , no matter where you go with Bach you end up on top.My respect for you is great , we all have our reasons for what we are and are not . You can call me whatever you want to .If Churches have anything to to do with you not being religious I can...