
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
Rok, Canada has X billion $ of Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and is looking at Johnson & Johnson . No Chinese.Will get theirs few days after US starting with about 1/8 as much , same as their population compared to us.Anything can happen, but ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok, IBM has warned that every aspect of logistic movement of vaccines is hacked down to a tee by world best hackers .Canada was also smart enough to move everything with military and will start right after Christmas. In charge is a MajGen who was... 
Why is there no love for Prima Luna?
I was trying to not buy Chinese but then I needed some underwear and a new coat . Gets cold here in Minnesota.All jokes aside , Chinese CP is terrible ,but the Chinese people are NOT !I have about 20 good Chinese friends in Twin Cites , all Chines... 
Dual CS515
Nothing special. Very had to get a cartridge for . Not worth fooling with unless you like trouble . 
Jazz for aficionados
You can’t fake soul frogman.Re, Mingus . If memory serves , his was the first jazz record I ever bought that made me take Jazz seriously. Growing up in the 40’s average American thought it was just people that took drugs . A lot of drugs . As alw... 
Jazz for aficionados
Now , this is a lady who REALLY knows how she wants to play her guitar ! Cotten was a North Carolina girl and wrote the Iconic picking standard " Freight Train". .To go through he life would take all day , IMO... 
Jazz for aficionados
Alex, I have noticed that some piano players use their arm , I gather that’s not how it’s done.Look at what my favorite live jazz man does . Ten fingers , seven of then doing different things at the same time in tone and tempo. At times looks like... 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks Alex, I appreciate it .But Sonny and Gene have way more soul  IMO .Kelly is certainly a great pianist but he just leaves me cold .No doubt , my own fault . 
Jazz for aficionados
With his friend , my favorite jazz duo . 
Jazz for aficionados
’ da man's from God . 
Jazz for aficionados
Keegiam, how right you are. Of all the great cities of the world , Berlin is the one-off !Latest clip from the worlds greatest pianist , direct from the Frost School in this Oct . problem I have with Arty Shaw ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok,.Never thought of logistic as hardest workers.Come to think of it my Transport Plt. had to be at dock by 4AM whilst the 105 shells for the 4id were loaded as we ate breakfast at a table on the dock.Then my 8 deuce and 1/2’s had to go up from s... 
Jazz for aficionados
Got all the Christmas vinyl of this Gentleman's out this Dec. 1st.Gets a lot of  use from me this month . 
Jazz for aficionados
They could needle me today Rok .Took 20 shots in one day at Benning for my tropical vacation with 1st Cav.. 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok, if Gen. Perma can pull off the logistics of Warp after almost a total year of total neglect it might well be the greatest feat of the US Army ever.Gus looks like the man to me, if he pulls it off he will deserve the Medal of Honor . I’m prayi...