
Responses from schubert

Tony Bennett
The sense that Bennett is a good human being is palpable, the sense that Sinatra is not, is likewise. 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
Kinda big IF tony. 
Speaker Upgrade Help Please
If debt default comes to pass, their cheapest speaker will be 100K US$ . On sale that is. 
Tried a Bryston 4B with Maggies
Had same results, try a AVA Synergy 450. 
Norah Jones
You need never to have seen her at all to make a phone call. Ravi's calls get answered. 
Norah Jones
Newbee, you seem in imminent danger of same.Tube, you seem determined to live by the fuzzy-thinkers mantra of every thing and thought being equal to every other one.Czarivey, you are spot on, truth from start to finish.Admirable restraint in not s... 
Norah Jones
You are most welcome. 
Norah Jones
"Employ your time in improving yourself by others mens writings so that you shall come shall come easily by what others have labored hard for" .Socrates"The man of wisdom is never of two minds".Confucius"Every man takes the limits of his own visio... 
What speakers work best with electronic music?
Bose 901's. 
Downsizing my system from tubes to an integrated
You'd have to spend 5K to do any better for what you listen too. And that's never for sure.I'd stand pat with a full house rather than draw for a royal flush 
Phillips no longer producing transports
Sony no baloney. 
Norah Jones
What is best in serious music is not my personal taste but the collective wisdom of the best minds over the course of centuries.To me, anyone who uses the term, "check yourself" is an uneducated boob, to you it might be the height of good taste. S... 
Longish speaker cable
Who knows? Audio is a cut and paste proposition.A cable that sounds wretched might sound great with a different preamp etc.That's why I have about 30 prs of speaker cable. 
Magnepan with upgraded fuses
There is some improvement in low-level clarity , IMHO worth doing, but I won't worry about it if they blew. 
Norah Jones
The distaste of argument is an American characteristic, Frenchman, to cite but one example, would consider this thread mild indeed as they argue 10x this and at the end of the day no one is offended.