
Responses from schubert

Does hybrid amp really has the best of both world?
Not to mention you need to lay out a C-note or ten for a good tube tester unless you get off switching 8 tubes in and out to find the hiss a couple times a month.SS has improved enough in the last decade or so that IMO tubes, though I still have a... 
Interesting bilind testing of Stradivarius Violin
All his players loved Sunny , he was very talented, sweet man, just a nut-job on the side. He may have said Venus, was a long time ago. 
Speakers Distance from Wall
Sounds like a Maggie 1.7 or 3.6 room to me. 
Subwoofer's Front Firing vs. Down Firing
I have had EXACTLY the same results as Xti16 . 
Does hybrid amp really has the best of both world?
If you have an anemic bank account tubes are the last thing you need.Good tubes can cost you more than the amp in no time. 
Denon DP-59L skips at end of record
I like vintage tables, have had a Sony PX-7 for decades that still sounds great.That said, I would not pay more for one than it would bother me to just throw it in trash. 
Does hybrid amp really has the best of both world?
Often combines the worst of both worlds, highly variable, I think PdspecL is right. 
Buy? Used NAD 533 with RB250 and Goldring Elektra
I love the looks of the RM 1.3 too.Plus, the cartridge that comes with it is best value there is,however a dealer warned me off them saying they were prone to motor noise and belt slipping off . 
Jazz for aficionados
Every study I've seen shows Jazz AND Classical combined are listened to by 2% of American Public.Of course thats 6 million souls.I'm lucky , the college where I live has a Jazz Studies program that Downbeat has rated #1 in US 3-4 times.Has 3 big b... 
Vandersteen 2CE v NHT 2.5?? or ??
Humour doesn't come over on internet unless you draw it out so one can't miss it. Sometimes not even then. 
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz is musicians music.I knew some big time jazzman once upon a time, most had little money.Audience was simply not there in USA, most what they did make was in Europe according to Paul Bley. 
Interesting bilind testing of Stradivarius Violin
No, it was Sun Ra that was from Mars.I had lunch with him once and he told me so.(no joke) 
Vandersteen 2CE v NHT 2.5?? or ??
HUH? Guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder alright. 
Interesting bilind testing of Stradivarius Violin
True enough Nonoise, but at the level of analysis of Globalization, we are talking about uber-powerful factors, chiefly economic, that are MANY orders of magnitude above individual psychology , or even large group factor. 
Vandersteen 2CE v NHT 2.5?? or ??
Ig316b, I had a pair of 2.5's (metal dome)and noticed the"balcony seat" effect as well.It was a great design let down by inferior drivers IMO.Mine were in a light blondish finish NHT called Sycamore, I kept them longer than I otherwise would have ...