
Responses from schubert

Your last concert was to see who and when?
Czar, it is a great hall,believe it or not the Ted Mann Hall on the U of MN campus is even better !Macalester College has a new superb sounding hall to showcase their excellent Early Music ensemble.Twin Cities has more high art per-capita than any... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Map, you could have listened to Mahler 3 10.000 times without knowing it was "about " nature. 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
I've been a subscriber to the bible "Grammphone" for over forty year and I never heard anyone say such a silly thing.What I have read, many times,is like the following from J.S. Smith in"The Gift of Music" ."One is aware that Mahler tried to do to... 
Granite surface plate
Seriously mentally ill that is. 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Mahler said " My time will come" .It did in the 60's when art became some clown throwing globs of paint on canvas, drug fueled noise was accorded musical status etc etc etc.The problem with Mahler is there is FAR too much going on and it all is fo... 
Most overrated audio manufacturers?
Dayglow , I agree with you totally ! 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Minneapolis had a real concert last Friday I attended . MN Orch. playing the Barber Cello Concerto which is a VERY hard piece but was well played and interesting.Followed by Mahler 2nd which is , IMO, perhaps the most over rated work extant.Well p... 
Importance of Soundstage/Imaging
Ps, you sound like a candidate for Ohm's.FWIW, I was at a home recently where the owner had a pr of Bose 901's set up with the front a few feet from the wall with the one driver at the back pointing at his listening chair.Actually did not sound bad. 
Pass Labs Vfet amps
The Sony Vfets amps were the best I ever heard. 
If she isn't into the gear, is she into the music?
Lose anyone who gives you any hassle initially, will only get worse.End of story. 
Why Do Musicians Still Need Record Companies?
I know some who are long-term weed smokers and like all pot-heads suffer from the delusion that their mental acuityhas not suffered. 
PSB Tower Speakers - Amp Matching
Fail to see how being owned by same comglomerate is relevant.IMHO NAS is among the most unreliable gear sold and I would go for a Yamaha A-S1000 if integrated is desired. 
has BAT priced itself out of the market?
In the USA there is little supply and demand pricing in general, from real estate to food its a what the market will bear economy. 
should I suspend a floor-standing turntable?
Yes, I owned a house like that in VT .Oil man loved us.Back in the day you had to have money to plaster, in rural areas at least. 
How Things Change
Yes, it is easier to say than do .But, like most things in life practice makes perfect.