
Responses from schubert

Can Silver Interconnects be bright in your gear
True, Beewax , many mistake extension for brightness. 
Joe Cocker...R.I.P.
I had a few words with him on a ferry from Germany to Denmark many years ago, he sang a tune for the folks on deck and seemed like a nice guy.RIP Joe 
Can Silver Interconnects be bright in your gear
Tubes got the reputation of being mellow from the Dynaco ST-70 days which rolled off highs and used the smooth EL-34 tubes.I've heard and had a few 6550 amps that were quite bright.I believe today if you want a good tube amp those is no road but t... 
Can Silver Interconnects be bright in your gear
I'm convinced it just shows up the inherent brightness of one's system.May add a bit, but not much. 
Most sophisticated and intelligent musician
If you insist about excluding the best musicians,, that leaves Keith Jarett. 
Would vinyl even be invented today?
Lots of good jazz and classical music to record, there never was any good rock music to record. 
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
Klipschorns, as long as you listen nearfield, ears no more than 2" away. 
Jazz for aficionados
Since most of the brains hang around this post does anyone know of a Triangle speaker dealer? 
Enhancing online radio station sound options
If you like Classical stream Wisconsin Public Radio. 
Moving to a dynamic speaker from a Electrostatic
Anybody know of a Triangle dealer? 
Seems like the best "upgrade" for tube amps....
Not original to me, just my words.Brain research has exploded in last few years. 
Seems like the best "upgrade" for tube amps....
The human brains goal is to provide a stasis, both psychical and mental.If you make a design at first to keep costs at a minimum, you will not only believe that is the correct course, but if you are highly invested in that belief the brain will no... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I read posts from anybody and everybody, having discoveredthe principle 50 years ago or more, that even a broken clockis right twice a day.The wise often say foolish things and fools impart wisdom every now and then. 
Seems like the best "upgrade" for tube amps....
Grannyring, that's why I sais I WAS dubious.My ears know 10 minutes is all it takes on my AVA 450 . FWIW, I never met anyone I agreed with on everything. 
Seems like the best "upgrade" for tube amps....
I have a Van Alstine Synergy 450 which has 12 separate power supplies,Frank made the statement there were at their best within 10 minutes.I was dubious but he was correct.