
Responses from schubert

What full range floor standers would be good
Any Meadowlark , simple, high quality crossovers and high-quality cabinets, drivers and internal wiring.ANY model should be good for fifty years. 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
Both are irrelevant, TRUTH is all that matters.That said , Cynics are almost always the jilted lovers of the good and beautiful with broken hearts, Skeptics are the indifferent, indifference is the opposite of love. 
Cartridges and old man
Mordante, it is a LOT more normal in Japan to want to continue the family trade than here.The USA is a far outliner on individualism as families are not helpful to our "divide and conquer" system of government. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Yes, I know the root word Czarivey.In English autocrat means, an absolute ruler, implies a despot, dictator.At one time I had access to German Army film archives.Worse thing I have ever seen, and I was a combat infantry man myself, was Nicholas II... 
Help me improve Rega P2
Phase, Btits tend to live in small rooms and are PRAT freaksbecause deep base will just boom -boom them to death anyway. 
Magnepan 1.7 and Subwoofer help/recommendations
Mofi is correct. You have to work on the room.Most think Maggies have no real base, most never heard themwith an amp that puts out a LEAST 400 watts a side at 4 ohms. 
Frustrated with Bonamassa Live CDs
I've lived ALL over the country, north , south, east and west.Nicest people I've ever encountered in USA were during my time in Syracuse.The 'cuse is like a flop eared puppy from the pound, not much to look at but with a heart of gold. 
Integrated to go with KEF LS50
Most SS amps will make your ears bleed with these.NAD house sound is safest bet if you can't compare. 
Anti-cables Level 3 v. Acoustic Zen products
Off topic, but FWIW I've found using an Anaylis Plus IC between source and pre gave me such a solid foundation to music everything sounds different.And I've tried ALL the usual suspects. 
B&W CWM 7.3 and or 7.4
True, but putting an Analysis Plus IC between source and prewill give you such a solid foundation you will perceive it as warmer.I suspect than one between pre and amp would do it to entire system, but as I need 4 meters for that I'll never be sure. 
Frustrated with Bonamassa Live CDs
Garebear, I'm not into this type of music generally, but will buy some now as over my long life I have learned that folk from Syracuse generally have exquisite taste ! 
hi, i trying to to get my first system together
Everyone always seems to say speakers first, I'd rather listen to a $500 pr of used speakers with a $ 2,000 good integrated Hegel or Yamaha amp than vice-versa. Any day. 
Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics
Add quote says it all. I really like the melodic quality of upper bass-lower mids.To me it sounds like a high-end 100 watt tube amp with real NOS Mullard or RCA power tubes.I've used it with Brtston BP-6, bottlehead, AVA 4si hybrid tube and Easter... 
Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics
I've owned 2 Belles 150a , one regular, one hot-rod , verylight in the bass, I called them my tenor amps.Replaced with Odyssey, just not good sounding.Replaced with Van Alstine Synergy 450 two years ago, first time in 40 years I have not being loo... 
My Triton Ones are being delivered to me tomorrow
You are wondering in Chinese contract Factory has QC problems ?