
Responses from schubert

Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Most bang for the buck is top of the NAD line . 
need tube tester in tampabay area
Try nothing right with it, a national disgrace. 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
True, its not called the mini-apple for nothing !Even though its really like the mini-Toronto. 
Which headshell to use?
Mofi is correct,Orosonic IS 'da bomb ! 
High end cartridge made in USA?
Why not ? Same reason little is made in USA, average American sees little point is working for 50 cents an hour. 
Jazz for aficionados
Learsfool, as a Shakespeare buff(I assume) I wish you could have heard what I would call a "double suite "arranged by Vansca and played tonight by the Minnesota of Sibelius's "The Tempest" . Prospero lines were read by the Guthrie Theatre Director... 
Jazz for aficionados
Well he was a highly talented musician that some call eccentric, others creative and some a nut job.His sheer technical ability makes him astonishing to listen to even if you don't care for the end product.In no way am I qualified to make any inte... 
Jazz for aficionados
Some sort of selection process ??A classical player who wishes to be a soloist or a player in a top orchestra, goes through a "selection process" that lasts for years and years under pressure that causes many fine players to whither under. It's li... 
Jazz for aficionados
I read it Rok, whoever this Pimentel dude is he should be nominated for the fool of the year award , give Rush L. some competition. 
Rega arm vs Sumiko
Kiko, I agree Rega arms are better now, but those clips still just plain suck.About 6 months ago I had an RP-6 and a Pro-ject Perspective at home to audition , both with Ortofon Black.I thought the 9cc Pro-ject arm was better for my purposes,I'd g... 
Jazz for aficionados
Question for my learned betters to include Rok.I just saw another dis comment on here on how terrible Rod Steward is on his American Songbook Records, which seems to be the general opinion in all quarters.I grew up on this music, its in my bones. ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Learsfool, no not really. I was just repeating what the onlypro musician I know around here, a percussionist, said.Also, I have heard German musicians from the R.I.A.S orch, which was a hell of a band,say the blending talent you have was the harde... 
Jazz for aficionados
That's who not you, LOL. 
Jazz for aficionados
Try Errol Gardiner you couldn't even read music. 
Jazz for aficionados
Orpheus10,I think you are generally correct about outside influences on musical choices.But FWIW , I never heard a note of Classical music till I was 30, by chance I heard the great Swedish tenor Jussi Bjorling and was instantly converted by the m...