
Responses from schubert

Speakers sonically similar to Sonus Faber?
Twoleftears, couldn't agree more on the Veneres, a dismal speaker. 
which $1k used floorstanders for 35wpc tubes?
Rega RS1 or RS3 are VERY natural and as such are a prime choice for classical music.Also, as they have minimal crossovers they are very easy to drive.Only speakesr mentioned I would put in their class are the Focals . 
Vienna Acoustics Liszt - Fad or Future?
I heard the Liszts and they are superb !But VA is sadly amiss in not naming their best effort after the best composer ever born in Vienna. 
Recommend Class a Amp
Ahh, YOU not new 
Recommend Class a Amp
Abrew19, and 99.7% of the people in the world would agree with new.It really dawned on me recently how nutso this hobby has become when I saw an ad in one of the mags for a phonocartridge whose bold headline was" And only $5999.00" . 
Zu Mission speaker cables
Yes, tough call too. Libtecs favor upper-base . lower-mids a bit which gives a warmer sound to string quartets which I find pleasing.Only my ears though. As I'm sure you know may sound different in your system. I'm using Libtecs right now because ... 
Zu Mission speaker cables
I have several pairs, to me they are neutral, as good or better than some I have that cost 4-5 times as much.IMO for the money ZU cables and IC's are best value in audio. 
Integrated Amp Utilizing 2 Prong Power Cable
I can't find ANY decent power cord without grounding prong.Need one because I've found for years the most bang for the buck CDP is the top NAD offering which is two pronged. 
Integrated Amp Utilizing 2 Prong Power Cable
Z-man, do you mean its perfectly OK to use a 3 prong in a 2 prong component receptacle ? 
Integrated Amp Utilizing 2 Prong Power Cable
Is a C7 the same thing as a two prong cord ?? 
Jazz for aficionados
Horace Silver's sound was just as unique as Mary Lou's if not more so. 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
When Schubert died at 31 he had composed more generally considered masterworks than either Mozart or Beethoven had at age 31. 
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it
That assumes one actually knows what the "best" is which is seldom the case . 
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it
Lower cost, today I got the following vinyl,all mint, forthe grand total of $3.96 at Goodwill in Maplewood ,MN burb of St. Paul6 disc set of Beethoven String Qts by Guarneri Qt on RCA Famous record of Brahms German Requiem ,Carl Bamberger N.German... 
Jazz for aficionados
Learsfool, there is an unbridgeable chasm between those wholove something for how it makes them feel and somebody who loves the thing itself.If rationality could bridge the chasm they would never have been one in the first place.