
Responses from schubert

4000 was a quadraphonic cart..with ADC you must be SURE to get all THREE collar weights , only way to adjust tracking force . 
Сhoice preamp
Very true atmasphere, but some genres will exposure faults more than others .  
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
orgegonpop, profits are not evil per se , amounts made by Wall Street are profoundly so . 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
Asian Markets are stronger because serious music is FAR more popular in Asia than USA . Percentage of Japanese who listen to Classical Musicis 4 times what it is in USA .  
Jazz for aficionados
As I am too old to link I won’t, but one of you smarter people need to link up Brad Mehldau Trio, class personified .Like Basie , Brad doesn’t play more notes than needed. 
Best Jazz pianist
Among those still  drawing breath Brad Mehldau can play a bit . 
The one piece of gear you will never sell
As one learns in Logic 101 what if's have no answers . 
Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have
For me it is not and I am deeply in love with Classical Music . 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
Right, seems obvious to me .If you vote for a party that racists support heavily you just joined the club . Or if you let an N-word pass etc etc 
Noticed the Patriot Act's effects on PayPal?
Just so bdp24, just so !Its not that the Government won't control Wall Street, its that Wall Street is now the government . 
Most underrated Audio Manufacturers
Very good point r f  ! 
When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad
I agree tosta, but racism is one of those sins where the omission is often greater than the commission . 
Jazz for aficionados
frogman, I never try to flatter anyone, I say what I believe, no more, no less. I’ve about worn out my "Cuban Fire" LP , played it hundreds of times, was going to mention that Stan was so far ahead in Latin music it was remarkable , but did not wa... 
Noticed the Patriot Act's effects on PayPal?
Just so knghifi, I just picked  one of many examples  .Point is they were/are lying crooks . 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
Its also a function of  computers ,smartphones , video games etc eating up average Joe's spare change . Till computers came out in the 70's all that cash went into hi-fi .