
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
I would not throw them away, I would burn them !Nothing on this planet is as Holy  as CHILDREN !!! 
Classical Top Five
Gee., why would anyone be upset about a man who played a major part in killing at least 6 million men . women and CHILDREN .Surely knowing incest is A-OK is far more important than a few millionchildren being burn to death .Wagner was/ is just one... 
Classical Top Five
Right, just because he , the worlds most famous German wrote more anti-semetic pages than music whichhelped Hitler greatly is no reason to be upset.With the Ring calling back to the real German  religion was a great idea as well. 
MOFI not shipping LPs according to purchase number.
MoFi doesn't have bad service, it has none at all .True on Turntables as well . 
Classical Top Five
It's like this .The world's greatest  sport event  is the World Football Cup (yes, Americans) . For an analogy the the Winner is Bach.Score , Bach 26Runner up  8  Devout Christian Music lovers,  love him because he makes us love God even more than... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
He's timing his keystrokes to the acoustics of the building , pure genius ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
A McDonald is a McDonald jim !And I don’t recall seeing anyone doing it from memory !!Small wonder they chose him to start the Organ week ,Cool as the proverbial cucumber.I need more of him.Check this , how in hell do you lay open the harmonics in... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Little something Bach wrote in his spare time , have heard this music in that church a dozen times .This Artist has perfect tempo for the music and the building !Need some more , death to the virus ! 
Classical Top Five
Well said ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Amen, rv. And because of that few will hear him. 
Classical Top Five
Bach can not be moved by strong  Christians , so far above all elsein service of our God.IMO,  a sign that someone  tends to be not deeply into Classical Music is ignoring Brahms .Putting him down is a sure sign. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
My fave Orchestra is the Bavarian Radio Symphony and has been for about 30 Years, In all that time never heard a blip.Check this small clip with  wonderful early 6-8 Haydn Symphony's which every real music aficionado should hear.They where written... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
This is one the best recording of one of THE greatest Symphony’s , it seems little heard .Certainly the most coherent ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
With your class jim I thought as much .Bought the only 2 others in Amazon yesterday.The violin con,.and my short elderly forget at the moment . 
Classical Top Five
SCHUBERTAnd  Brahms is far ahead of Mahler, unless you like hearing dogs chasing their tales.