
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
You made my day rvpiano . The Frank has always been a favorite of mine , usually have 3-4 different renditions .I remember the first time I heard this one thinking "so that’s how you do it" !And I had heard great artists , Menuhin and his sister, ... 
Speaker distance
At the moment Gallo CL-3  6'6' apart, 37 " out from a VERY thick outside wall .I sit 6' away . Near in Condo .Owned at least 50 prs of speakers in last 50 years,  only one I really missare  DCM Time Windows . 
Audio cables ,and power cords the most forgotton- part of an Audio system.
 I  think power cords are most important thing  , but it varies from system to system . I believe it's largely impedance matching which is a buy and try deal unless you have a Phd in EE and a lab to test all with . 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
I have one of the first Belles 150 's made, I reckon  it to be 28 years old .Bought few years ago for $ 400 bucks from AudioArt, one of the best guys in audio, who had it totally recapped etc and hardwired with one of his excellent $500 bucks powe... 
No preamp 'Balance' control?
Thanks bondmanp, I'll give that a try . My SS pre is still very good though . 
Are you getting ridiculous offers from new members
Of all the things taught in universities the biggest loads of BS are economics and American history . 
Researching Preamps
Van Alstine Vision SS  phono pre is very nice , Outstanding dynamics !1 
inexpensive preamps
Be better to buy an $899 Van Alstine Vision Class A preamp  
high-efficiency loudspeakers
There is a lot to be said in favor of single driver speakers . Listening to a Symphonic Orch. on same is not one of them . 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
How could anyone be against twitter?The greatest person in human history does so daily . 
Audio cables ,and power cords the most forgotton- part of an Audio system.
Literary privilege .Basic exemption . 
Audio cables ,and power cords the most forgotton- part of an Audio system.
If the electrons traveled 2,000 miles the first thing your amp sees is what comes out of IT'S power cord .About like saying no sense in using a recipe because the veggies came from California .Basic physics . 
Best Brahms Third Symphony
It is unusual , IMO in a good way .That size and sometime single violin to a part is the sort of sound Brahms would have heard in his day .Only big Orchestra that played that way was the Leipzig Gewandhaus under Masur. Till the DDR fell all the pl... 
Whats playing on your system today?
If the Saint Olaf College Christmas concert is on your PBS station, watch it .The best Christmas concert in the USA ! 
Soundsmith Aida vs Hana sh
I haven't heard the Hana but have  the Aida on the 9cc and that was a very good match . Superb on acoustic music, on rock I have no idea .