
Responses from schubert

I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
Freedom is not exclusive to Americans nor is this the best example of same . 
Whats playing on your system today?
"Stomp Off Lets Go" by Sonny Stitt" .One of THE greatest American  alto saxophone playersand all round Jazz musicians  who ever lived ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Small world !On my bi-weekly Goodwill vinyl hunt this AM I ran across what looked to be a mint LP of one Alexander Scriabin’s 2 Tone Poems, "The Poem of Ecstasy" Op. 54 and The Poem of Fire : Prometheus Op. 60" .I enjoyed the former and was downri... 
Buyer wants copy of passport?
You have to be simple-minded to even consider such an obvious scam . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Well newbee, Fisher is among the best , he and his Budapest are world class and he goes for string slides in Slavic music .If you want a superb "New World" check out Marin Alsop with the Baltimore SO on Naxos .I kinda sort of agree about the Istva... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
No, but same could be said of hundreds at his high level and thousands at well worth listening to level .I doubt if anyone would not say he is a great composer . I listen to my favorite work of his , the Masterwork Quintet Op 81 at least once a we... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I’ve been doing some serious listening to Alwyn the last few days largely because of comments on here .Of course as a non-musician its hard for me to understand what’s going onthat makes his music so fresh and original .As best I can understand  h... 
Jazz for aficionados
You'd have to be very far from life to think that Billy was doing anything but dying a slow death before you very eyes on stage . And through NO fault of her own, a national treasure thrown on the garbage dump . 
Jazz for aficionados
Wagner's did . He wrote twice as many anti-Semitic published diatribes as music when he was the best known person in Germany and which made hate speechin the German middle and upper classes acceptable in public discourse .And words DO matter !I st... 
Anyone in Vermont (especially the Burlington area) interested in an informal audio club?
I lived in Bennington for some years , I'll bet you are the only 'phile in town . 
Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso
My basis is Belles sounds better . 
Taming the high frequency
Two things have helped  me , put a blanket over any TV in the room and turn off your wi-fi . 
3 Cartridges Reviewed
Could you please give us a list of main recordings you used on your test ? 
Backward Albums?
We don't seem to need any help on that . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
IMO, and many others as well, the GREAT Swiss oboist , Heinz Holliger, was the greatest instrumentalist of our time . He played with every good symphony of the world and was the most sought after player in the world .Also taught music, not just ob...