
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
People tend to drag their feet when penalty is death .jcazador, Great list!, I saw 7 of them alive , Arrau moved me the most, but that’s just me .The one that seems to be missing IMO is Murray Perahia .He and Hewitt are my go-to’s on Bach . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
No, they wern't  into fairy tales , just knew how the most famous man in Germany made it acceptable to say anything , anywhere , no matter how vile,  about Jews As we are words , the road to action was made smooth . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
gdnrbob, those who don’t read German have no idea just how evil he was. Wrote more anti-semetic tirades then he did music .German Historians who I studied with drew a straight line from Wagner to Hitler . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I love opera , I’d have Puccini on my top ten list, with his "un bel di" aria from Butterfly being among the greatest piece of music ever written by anyone in any genre at any time . He also had a fantastic touch with the theatrical side of opera ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I get to see Imogen Copper live on Saturday , she plays a bit . 
Diana Krall
Minor detail ,lalitk .Classical and Jazz and much of true folk music are Fine Arts not Sports .Take decades to learn to play and listen to .I’ll really do care who or what people want to listen to, I do care if theyelevate a mediocre artist to a l... 
TECHNICS 100th Anniversary 2018 Premium Turntables. Their best ever.
I'm with lewm, spot on ! 
Nad M3 non repairable
Been telling folks for 40 years , NAD =Not always reliable .It’s just a marketing firm , the factory that made it in China may well be out of business etc .I love the ton of "factory refurbished " on here , did they send it back to China ?For what... 
Diana Krall
Any person with average smarts who listens to live acoustic music unamplified over a few decades will develop a senseof what is excellent , good, fair or poor in music .It is a matter of taste , good taste or bad taste . It takes considerable effo... 
What is the name of your system?
Ursula Bach . 
Is a SUT needed?
Germans say, Dutch may have two dad's but dishes still must be done right after dinner . 
If your system were a car!
An Audi A-8  . 
What is the best thing to buy/or do to clean connections on IC's and SC " ??
Thanks Guys , a LOT of good info , should take care of business ! 
Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?
I would hope drivers  going for 10K  are better than ones going for a couple hundred , 
Thinking out of the box here. It might make some defensive
cleeds , you could if I had kept a diary on the thousands of studies I read before I retired . Perhaps you could google something ?