
Responses from schubert

Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...
Money moves around the world .The fact that US $ has declined 25% against the Euro in past year has a bearing on prices of  many  things .Outside the EU as well as in it .I was privy to a conversation in German at Berlin Audio show .Several big-wi... 
Vandersteen 3A Sigs vs Klipsch Forte III
I only listen to classical music and a bit of jazz .Once upon a time i worked for one of the biggest Klipsch dealers in the USA . The only place I would listen to them was from another room , they were that bright .SOLE exception was the Forte , t... 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
You might and you might not , takes all of 5 minutes to see . 
Internet Radio: Good music that sounds good, who do you like?
I'm elderly and don't even know how to link .A friend of mine set it up for  me . If you google  classical mpr choral streamis on there . 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
Try  tracking at 2.0  
Anyone else a big fan of Norman Grantz' Pablo Label form the 70's/80's
Anyone who knows squat about Jazz  knows that a Grantz /Pablo LP is among the best . 
Internet Radio: Good music that sounds good, who do you like?
As far as I know,  one that is totally unique in USA , perhaps in the world .A 24/7/365 streamer of Choral Music of the highest level,  with the worlds best  choirs,  from  St.Paul/Minneapolis  PBS station . Choral Music is HUGE in Twin Cities ! 
Phillip Glass Fans
To me, Glass sounds like someone trying to pass  an entry  class exam for Composition 101 at a Bible School .And failing . 
Question for tube aficionados
At the risk of being a homey .The BelCanto 600M's are only class D I would consider .durk. Most Bugle Boys sold are fake . 
Power amp/integrated amp suggestions for SUPER POWER HUNGRY/INEFFICIENT SPEAKERS
Somethings in Audio are built to a price point . Some are built to what the sucker will pay . 
SME IV Tonearm and Warped Records
Some do, some don't . Some carts are better tilted up a tad . 
Question for tube aficionados
RV, I was really lost about the Belles ,my 150a Reference VII has no problem driving my 4ohm , 87db Totem Sig Ones which are hard  to drive .Knew nothing about the DQ 20's . Worked internet , 4-5 reviews all noted how hard it is to drive, several ... 
Does anyone have any experience with Bryston amps
Simple, Canadians don't build junk . 
Question for tube aficionados
See how your Belles sounds now . 
Reference disc player...UDP 205 or Marantz?
Oppo is far better .