
Responses from schubert

Check this mahler123, I moved after my wife’s death from a 13 room farmhouse to an 850 sq ft Condo. In moving 5 years ago I cut my heard down to about 500 Lp’s and 500 Cd’sfrom about 5,000 which had been 3,000 after I moved back from Germany where... 
Thiel Owners
I know , checkout Lake George . 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Sure, a level 2 Anticable can do that easily IF they were recorded that way . 
You are correct phillyb !But I continue to foolishly do it because just running my finger down the LP rim of music i love is a joy to me after a hard day .I mostly listen to Classical Music but others love their genre too . 
Thiel Owners
That is kool tomthiel !White Mountains are almost as pretty as Adirondacts , Winnie isn't in a league with Lake George though . 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
On a good system playing Symphonic music most cables make the entire string section sound like one big mass of sound . A few cables make them sound like individual violins playing together .OFTEN this is a deed of the recording engineers . But on... 
Do different routers affect sound quality
I don't know enough to answer you , but I am certain any active router degrades  the sound of a  decent 2 channel system with non-steaming analogue or digital CD or LP .  
What do you read regularly to learn about audio products or research?
+1 for the German "Stereo" . Only mag i trust as a buying guide . 
Speakers under $5000 maintained a reputation for quality sound over the last 15 years.
All of the above + PSB . 
The Absolute Sound vs Stereophile
Yup, Sensible Sound was my fave, poor folks bible .Only mag I really trust as a buyers guide is Stereo out of Germany .Art Dudley is a gifted writer if nothing else . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Litton is a favorite of mine , seen him several times in Mpls .I’m not questioning the greatness of Bernstein , I just didn’t like his , in fact hated his, histrionically . As a musician you can comment on this . I could not see how anyone could f... 
Trouble Contacting Clear Day Cables
Thanks, snackeyp .Any human not mental knows that my phrase speaks to 99.9 % of the human race to include myself .I did have a religious conversation several years ago with Paul and i was very impressed with his piety and humility ! I had no doubt... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
aolmrd1241. Einstein agreed with you . 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
I have been to over 2, 000 live classical concerts in the last 50+ years .I DO know what I say is so .You do not .Is Classical Music elite ? Yes it sure is  .ALL claims are faith based to include science , especially science . 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
OBVIOUSLY , the cable can not . Classical is FAR more demanding of a recording than rock or small group jazz in many ways .Sound Stage and definition of 90 musicians at a time for starter.