
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
Speaking of Easter you could hardy do better than this Masterwork ! do you hear a perfect  rendering of  any anything , esp. one as big as this one is complicated and 400 years old. To my hears this is perfect... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
As I sit listening, I came to the conclusion that God was not doing nothing for his two utmost composers of sheer beauty , Mozart and the even younger Schubert .He just could not bear any longer to not have them by his side . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
AMEN !Beyond all doubt this is the best Chamber piece ever . Period .Also pretty much agreed the Emerson Qt. has the best notation of any.Not to say one is better than another, but I think this group has a tat more soul .Just a small matter of tas... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
For a long time I have listened to the various Requiem’s of the Great One’s during Lent.Till last year I did not even know that Dvorak had one and it come up to the best .I doubt if anyone will listen to a 90 minute Religious Masterpiece , but if ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Vanguard was owned by a group of real music lovers who made nothing but the best out of love. Of course that got them to financial death .If I see a Vanguard for sale , any Vanguard, my wallet goes into auto no matter what it is or how much they w... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Exactly what I thought .Years ago. I liked those " dynamic ’ moves etc,now I think they just get in the way. I had The Complete Sonatas buttend to gave a record away to young people just starting to try Classical .The 2 boxes nobody gets are the B... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I can not tell a lie, well not often.My old brain remembered I have a Op57 I haven’t heard in at least 10years . A wonderful Germanic ( he’s Austrian) jewel .My opinion of this guy is he doesn’t play LvB , he is him. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Nobody can deny that Uchida is a great Artist , I have many of her Schubert CD’s and have heard her live Schubert .To my bystander ear Perahia does everything all at once , floats and is hyper-serious at the same time , a soulful poet . rv, it is ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Closes thing to male human voice ? 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Any one with even slight interest in Modern Classical needs to go to this short lesson . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Sitting here with Barbers Violin Con.. , I am thinking what a terrible shame it is that we never asked him to give us a real National Anthem ,one of love and not war . is the de-facto one now in times of tragedy  
Classical Music for Aficionados
Speaking of Bach , this is rather good for young students .'t say which soloist is the best, both are great and it's a lot easier to get a excellent oboe than a strad .But I will anyway , that little oboe queen h... 
The Best Live Recordings on Youtube
This is rather good for students . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
You are spot-on mahgister !When I hear the Celibdache Op 11, I am both leaving the earth in peaceand crying for going .Over 80 I know that to be and I do cry . And go to a Bach Cantata to dry my tears .Bach has a in with God . A BIG one ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Frogman; PLEASE look at the Celibidache Op 11.The Munchner was always a decent orchestra .What he has done to them is unreal.Few Days ago I got a glance over the back of Bloomstead  on a DVD .The players looked like dogs waiting for a bone .Well i...