
Responses from schubert

Hear my Cartridges....🎶
You need a good DD table-LOL 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
None of these will be known in 50 years ,hardly history . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Every time I hear a young composer expound upon composition , and I hear or read a lot of them, I come away with the same conclusion .People who grow up in a rock culture simply rarely make good instrumental composers of classical music .I was in ... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
IF you have a heavy dose , and I do mean HEAVY,  of classical music all your life your brain can, and will,  let you hear nearly as good as ever .If you don't it it won't as it is no threat to the stasis of your brain .How do you think conductors ... 
Jazz for aficionados
pryso, thanks for the Oscar Peterson , He had "Canadian Soul" ,that perfect center beat on everything . 
Hear my Cartridges....🎶
I used a 420 for several years WAY back in the day because it did what needing doing with classical music .I worked part time for a guy that was turning 20 million $ in audio in the 70’s , about 100 million $ today .We sold every brand of MM, save... 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
It is never about being too old .Wisdom does come with age but it knocks on the door, most people do what they are always have done , refuse to let him in . . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
While the rest of the world listens to Michael Jackson singing Rudolph the Red Nose , we classical fans have a huge choice of music that actually does celebrate the Birth of Christ .My personal favorite is a great that doesn't seem to get much att... 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
True , it is a matter of taste , good taste and bad taste . 
Thoughts on VTA......
I have 6 "high end" matts for just that reason voice .Just stack 'em up ! 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
Her voice on PBS is her REAL voice , she simply is a joke as a singer.Her CD's are doctored to the nth degree and that is not her real voice . 
clearaudio turntables
FACT, the EURO is worth MORE than the US $ , Today only 14 % , usually higher ,Were the dollar not the world reserve it would be worth half of the Euro . 
Thiel Owners
As I am elderly and live in a condo I had to nix the deal when I found out they weighed over 100 lbs ! Sounded great though . 
What’s wrong with Diana Krall?
She was on PBS this weekend on an hour -long duo show with Tony Bennett .Even in 90's he still has a lot to give , she had nothing to give . 
Thiel Owners
Got a pr of 3.6 that look cherry on Cragslist at 1300 $ .Good deal , bad deal ?