
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados musicians of one Island Nation playing homage to the music of another. 
Marantz service
Amen , very little more evil on the planet ! 
Jazz for aficionados
My first year in Japan was very stressful , the last two the most peaceful.Japanese are the living example of still waters runing deep .Not one American in a thousand knows the back story of Pearl Harbor which is shameful. The Navy Band I showed i... 
Hey RICH Audiophiles
"Humility is an accurate ascertainment of both ones virtues and one's sins " St. Augustine  
Where is great audio going? - Headphones and Mid-Cost
Same here , O-10 .My point is that if we all had to do a year on "phones most of us would be comfortable with them as would our bank accounts . 
Jazz for aficionados
Thank you, mary jo . I just wrote what the Japanese say.much easier for them than us . 
Where is great audio going? - Headphones and Mid-Cost
I think if there was a law stating you had to listen to a say, $1500 headphone systemfor a least a year before you could buy anything else there would not be many speakers sold . 
Is unamplified music the gold standard?
One of the truest of the old sayings is " The good is the enemy of the best" .It really sinks in as you get old and it ain't pretty . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Right, I have read every book I could find on Brahms , not just because his music is so great , but because his mind and manor are fascinating to me as I grow old . 
Jazz for aficionados
Jim Hall must be a very insightful person ! The pace and interweave of the players is like a Japanese conversation . Discuss everything and always work towards the ultimate goal, "wa" , working together in harmony, the cornerstone of Japanese cult... 
Jazz for aficionados
mary jo, got a bit of cold my self . Thanks so much for that Chet Baker "Tenderly " !As one of the comments by a Japanese lady on You Tube said " Less noise- more music " . Good thought for life in general . 
Static buildup issue?
Going around in you bare feet solves the static flash as you touch your gear problem . 
Is unamplified music the gold standard?
Yes , but you are a small minority . Most have no idea whatsoever what live music sounds like . 
Where is great audio going? - Headphones and Mid-Cost
Also, US dollar is over valued simply because it is the reserve currency . Taking 15% of "pie" off and allocating that to Chineseis hand writing on the wall for financial markets .Trust in US in general is at all-time low . 
Jazz for aficionados best examples I could find that show tonal differences due to differences in native languages even on one of the greatest American standards .It’s there whet...