
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
Taking beauty into consideration .German lead in said D’Rivera was the Acme of this major festival . like the way he keeps the drummer down to a dull roar .Doesn’t hurt to have a heavy artillery piano around though . 
Jazz for aficionados your text ...Its been Eddie Daniels Day for the last week in my house.Hope I can find some recordings of him with this Argentine Master.Can’t forget the Latin style with my beloved WDR ! 
Jazz for aficionados
nsp , Clark also made what would be over 100 million $$$ today as hostof one of THE most popular TV shows in US " Hee Haw" from 69-97 .Played as a hick but was far from that .Thanks for the Kikuchi Trio stuff , as usual they have something to say ... 
Pentatone Classics
Julia Fisher is the Queen . 
Jazz for aficionados
To those who thought this guy was really just a hillbilly . Saw  him on a late night show once , the man asked him why so many jazz players worked in country bands , our hero was easily 3 sheets to the wind and told him like it is ."Because you ha... 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks Alex , I don’t think you could comp better than Bley did on this heart breaker .nsp, you really are hardcore I have 6 .If I was younger would buy more .Japanese are a unique people with a lot to say . 
Jazz for aficionados
Thank you so much for that little jewel shining in the summer sun acman3 !Made my day, no my week . Teared me up . Bley could play anything and though he was respected in jazz circles IMO he never really"caught on" with public not because he was ... 
Nominees For Worst Recording Of All Time
Since rock has produced many thousands of recordings that are as bad as is humanly possible there is no answer  to this . 
Jazz for aficionados
nsp, here is a entire album of Togashi with one of the" modern" American piano artists Paul Bley , the only jazz master I knew personally . Nice guy , may he RIP .No video but I think you can tell who is whom . 
Jazz for aficionados
alex, thanks for all the Akiyoshi clips , had forgotten just how good she was.Ditto for  Doc Severinson . 
Jazz for aficionados
Leon Redbone was out of any genre but was a figure in American Music .Just passed , RIP Leon . 
Jazz for aficionados
81563, well known fact that the most insightful people in the world are born between Utica and Syracuse .An Onondaga Sachem told me the power line of the world runs under that 50 mile strip . Japanese think in terms of the group . Only need to kno... 
Jazz for aficionados
81563, one of the best posts ever .All praise to Wynton for doing it and you for bringing it to us !Nothing but good can come of things like this both for the world and guys playing .For frogperson , nothing to it . 
Jazz for aficionados
Great info frogman ! So much help .The only woodwind guy alive I can think of offhand in Daniels class ,which is really knowing what beauty is , is Heinz Holliger .I’ve heard live great players like Martin Frost ,Richard Stolzman and SabineMeyer b... 
Jazz for aficionados
Great clip nsp , Karolina plays flute and clarinet as well and just about as well as saxophone . I couldn’t find any WDR records myself .Daniels is elegance itself , magnificent player !As to free , US was never in danger of being invaded and if y...