
Responses from schubert

Classical Music for Aficionados
Bach is about counterpoint . 
Jazz for aficionados one and only Bob Brookmeyer ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Everyone says things they don't really mean for various reasons at various times .If I knew what you do, I would not have posted it . Mea Culpa . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I just recalled an interview of Arrau I heard on German TV  that has stuck with me . He was outspoken !Exact words escape me but this is about it." In Music you have to give all you have in every performance . That's why Masur is a great conductor... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I heard Arrau live 4-5 times , left me wanting no other .I had the Schiff cello sonatas and you are spot on jim. These days i do listen to the profoundly of Fournier because he relaxes me .A great one by Maria Kliegel playing a Strad cello On Naxo... 
Pentatone Classics
They don't have Julia  Fisher. 
Classical Music for Aficionados
learsfool , I have heard that several times and it is a joy to hear .Have you heard the other great one out of Canada ,Kenneth Gilbert on harpsichord ?Gilbert says in the liner notes that he sees it as Bach's "Art of the Dance . He makes a solid c... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Nice to hear that rv.  He was a very good conductor but the magic was the love the Halle had for him and he for them . They knew what he wanted and went all-out to give it to him . 
What were some of your early Hi-End audio gear/influences?
AR 3a . KLH 17 
Separate Phono Pre - $$ before I will hear a SIGNIFICANT difference vs. integrated?
Depends on what music you listen to. Does most for jazz . 
What’s really hurting the audio hobby?
Smart Phones will destroy audio. 
What DB level is best for judging audio equipment?
It varies from recording to recording , No magic number. 
My rankings of some classical violin music in high resolution
High Resolution is that which drives so deep into the human soul that all pretense is washed away and you stand as one thing, the elemental human being as we were created . In can happen alone or in a crowd .Given this, the person who was/is the a... 
My rankings of some classical violin music in high resolution
Those not with us, Nathan Milstein.Those presently with us , Julia Fisher. 
Favorite Collaborations
The greatest there ever was ,Jussi Bjorling andRobert Merrill  .