
Responses from schipo

musicianiship--when is it bad or good ?
I believe Duke Ellington said there are two types of music good and bad. I dont believe music,art or literatrue is suggestive at all. There is bad and good we just have to wean it out, their are those with bad taste in music and art. 
First song to "Blow You Away"...
Wow a really hard one for me a guy who went to many Filmore east shows. But the real piece of music that turned my heart to pains of remorse and filled my eyes with a great flood of tears was for the first time hearing Carlo Bergonzi sing the aria... 
Best turntable/cartridge/phono preamp combo
And yes I should mention a preamp why not look at some of the older units such as a Classe DR-5 pre many times they are going for a song. They are built with great care and sound fabulous and the are very reliable.If tubes is your thing look at an... 
Best turntable/cartridge/phono preamp combo
Honestly I would go for a used VPI scout or maybe a used again HW-19. There going for great prices here they are very easy to maintain, and setup. And it leaves you with left over funds for alot of used vinyl. 
Xmas gift suggestions
What about new reissue Lps, can't go wrong with software. 
Verdi's "Rigoletto"; "La Traviata"
I would go for the only great Rigoletto on cd or lp if you can find it and that would be the EMI recording with Callas,Destafano, and the great Tito gobi in the tital role of Rigoletto. If your interested in a good performance with excellent sound... 
Mendelssohn Piano Concerto
There is a weekend london cd recording of both 1&2 piano concertos with Peter Kantin at the piano. The cd is not in issue on the weekend London label but I am sure Decca or London released it with even better sound. 
Sacrilege Going from Tubes back to Solid State
I would also look at some older gear, such as an old Classe DR-9 or 10 amp. Also even older, the Amber series 7 amps were nice in sound. 
Classe Amps
For what it's worth, a DR-9 can't be beat for price and built. Many other ss amps I have heard including Krells might have more bass, but they never capture the soul of a recording as well as a Classe DR-series amp. 
Better yet run them through 3" firedept waterhose. Now thats impressive, and in case of a fire your very well equipt. 
Difficult Sopranos
Is it just possible that the cd that you audition systems with is just flawed by tecnical standards? 
Sound Dynamics 300Ti Replacement.
I have a pair of 300ti speakers. You could cut down on some of the box resonance, by placing something heavy on top of the speakers. I am using some cut blue stone that weighs in around or over thirty pounds, more than the speakers weigh. This has... 
listening to music in the car
I vote for MIKE SAVAGE and his SAVAGE NATION. No boring liberal or phony Republican Kool-aide here just good common sense. 
Cheap, home-made component stand....
Try parts express for spike kits. I heard from others that the color lack tables might have hollow legs, so if your planning to cut and spike, do it with their dark birch model. It is a little more in price around 14.00 but it's legs are solid and... 
Cheap, home-made component stand....
The legs can be cut, and spiked. Just make sure to tape the leg around before cutting to avoid chipping. They look great and are very economical if you don't like, your out a couple of bucks. The best of luck and good listening with health.