
Responses from schipo

man do I miss Tower records and
Had a chance to do some vinyl shopping today. I picked up a mint copy on Argo "Evensong for ash Wednesday" and an Emi greensleeve with Batiz "Music of Mexico" for a total of less then five bucks. I sometimes on Carmine st in Manhattan to a store I... 
man do I miss Tower records and
Tfkaudio: we all judge each other we just don't realize that were doing it. 
man do I miss Tower records and
I agree with Devilboy completely with his assessment of this so called generation,when it comes to music. This generation for what I see is slovenly,rude and crude also very ill mannered. I can't say how many times I go out to dinner and looking a... 
What piece of music can you play over & over?
The Love duet in Pagliacci between Silvio and Nedda...the DG recording with Carlo Bergonzi. 
Service or Replace ARC D90 Amp
I would do this if I were in your place, before making any hasty decision about this amp. I would seek out an outside source someone competent who knows the amp or at least work's extensively on tube gear and let them give you an estimate on the w... 
McIntosh MCD-7009 vs Sony SCD-777es
If you go for the McIntosh MCD-7009 you might feel a sense of completion with an entire Mac system. If on the other hand you feel the need to experiment with the sound of SACD audio then you know the answer to that.You could just keep the Parasoun... 
I have gone insane, need help
Personally I think you don't have enough LOL. To be honest, no one on the Gon can tell you what to keep or sell. You will know that on your own, has you listen. 
Miles Davis, the Cuisinart and other Hi-Fi Horrors
This has to be for year end one of the funniest post so far. 
Does good technology guarantees musicality?
Cd was thought has a "perfect technology" on a road to perfect sound. And for all practical reason's it did sound quite logical. With no ticks clicks and pops, with a laser reading all info with nothing physically touching to distort. Well unfortu... 
Searching for a
the Spendor SP100 monitors are excellent why not try playing around with your environment such as room acoustics and treatments. You might find out that your gear is much better than you thought. 
$600 +/- Bookshelfs w/ Holographic Soundstage
Well talking about Proacs my fondest moments are with a pair of super tabletts and original quicksilver mono amps just fabulous bliss... 
Help Me Justify Recent MMF7 purchase
I have to chime in again and say that I am sure that their are people here on the Gon who would tell all owners of a Technics SL1200 MK II that it "SUCKS" and that their replacement table beats the crap out of it. That's not the issue at all and i... 
Help Me Justify Recent MMF7 purchase
I had a MMF-7 it's a fine table and when placed on a proper base such as a wall mounted platform this table will sing well. Just be careful with motor placement and keep it centered. And as far as other tables in it's price range beating it. You w... 
Best redbook CD player
with that budget you have a wide range of players to choose from. But to pick the absolute best player, impossible. I can say their are audiogon members that will tell you including myself. That the old JVC 1050tn player at a price of 150.00 used ... 
can a tube-o-phile be happy with ss?
The statement made by an audiogon member pertaining to tube gear "More attention to detail when they are built" is equivalent to junk science period. There is no proff that a designer of tube equiptment when compared to ss, paid more attention to ...