
Responses from sboje

Will a new sub sound better than my Velodyne F1200?
I'm convinced that multiple subs is superior, but I'm completely out of room on my front wall, and I don't have front corners to place the subs in. For two subs, I'd have to put one on the front wall and the other on the back wall or a back corner... 
Will a new sub sound better than my Velodyne F1200?
Update: Last night I readjusted the phase while listening to music (Six Blade Knife by Dire Straits) instead of using test tones. That made a significant improvement. 
Will a new sub sound better than my Velodyne F1200?
Just got back from vacation. Calculating the amount of cubic feet in the room is complicated. Even ignoring the large openings that this room spills into, I'm at 3600sqft. I would have to post a picture. There are significant variations in distanc... 
What in the world is going on.....
Stringreen, do all tracks sound bad, or are some worse than others? I've read that they used to reduce the bass on albums because too much bass could cause the needle to jump out of the groove. There's some pretty serious bass on Wristband.I think... 
Will an Auralic Vega best my Meridian 508.24 significantly?
In regards to my primary question, I decided the answer must be "yes". There are DACs that can be had for $2500 or less that are being compared to DACs that cost $7500 in 2005. My CDP was considered Class A by Stereophile back in 1998, and I think... 
Will an Auralic Vega best my Meridian 508.24 significantly?
The rest of my system is:Sonic Frontiers Line2 SE+ with upgraded volume controller and V-Cap Cutf interstage caps. Running Genalex Gold Lion tubes.Pass Labs XA30.5 amp.Revel Performa3 M106 speakers.  
Will an Auralic Vega best my Meridian 508.24 significantly?
The reviews I've read of the Chord Hugo put it well behind the Vega. It doesn't have balanced outputs. I'm a believer that the power supply for a piece of audio equipment is really important too, and I don't see that with the Hugo. 
Will an Auralic Vega best my Meridian 508.24 significantly?
I was up until 1AM reading reviews about that Schiit. Almost everyone seems to think it is fantastic, but it has to be on for an entire week to warm up! I would feel more comfortable with the purchase if there were a review by Stereophile showing ... 
Redbook Keeps Surprising
I hope I'm not breaking rules since I already started a post about buying an external DAC but...Does this mean that if I'm just listening to Redbook CD, I should stick to the analog output of my Meridian 508.24 instead of buying something like an ... 
Help! My system is very bright it hurts my ear
$200 spent on room treatment will make a much larger difference than $100,000 in cables. Treat your room.Put panels at first reflection points, add a rug for the floor reflection points. Put some absorbing stuff on the wall in front of you or behi... 
Why is an XA30.5 a bad match for Revel Ultima Salon II speakers?
So in simplest terms, I can think of the impedance curve as an inverse current requirement curve? I can see that the Salon II would take a LOT more juice all the way from 600hz on down, and even more so below 50hz. I can definitely see how any mus... 
Why is an XA30.5 a bad match for Revel Ultima Salon II speakers?
Thanks for the lengthy reponse Bombaywalla!Most of my daytime listening is around 80db to 85db according to my ratshack meter's C weighted average mode. I really have no idea what the true peaks would be. I think most music I listen to wouldn't ha... 
Disadvantages of a direct coupled preamp?
Well, in fact my preamp is tubed, but I've seen multiple references to it being direct coupled.As far as I know, my Meridian 508.24 CD player is also direct coupled, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I have a Pass Labs XA30.5 amp. 
Upgrade my Sonic Frontiers Line-2, or buy a used solid state Pre?
The hiss is exactly the same at both the lowest and loudest volume levels. You can hear clicking noises as you turn the volume knob also, so I do think it has something to do with the volume chip. 
Upgrade my Sonic Frontiers Line-2, or buy a used solid state Pre?
I am running balanced all the way through. I never noticed the noise on my old system running single ended, but maybe the 6db boost in the balanced circuit has brought the noise to light. The background noise was always very noticeable on my line-...