

Responses from sbank

Brand new vinyl - skips?
Call VPI & ask for Mike. He'll talk you through proper setup. Cheers,Spencer 
Shelby Lynne
The Jayhawks are IMHO the most under-appreciated band around. They've created a true evolving body of work with many great albums over a long period of time. Check out Hollywood Town Hall as a start. And yes, Lost Highway has plenty of great bands... 
Walker or VPI motor controller with scoutmaster?
I use the Walker on my TNT6-HR and can't imagine having this table without it. Take Elinor up on his offer. If that's out of your price range, get the SDS. Cheers,Spencer 
Longtime lurker First time Poster
Great advice from Rushton.The other big thing that is cheap, is to make sure you play clean records. Wet cleaning is a must, with good brushes such as Disc Doctor, and fluids from Walker or Audio Intelligent. Cheers,Spencer 
The VPI Rim Drive
Anybody listen to this yet? Please share your reaction. 
Good tube integrated for Merlin speakers?
The Berning ZH270 is a winner w/Merlins. It sounds even better with a preamp, but accepts 2 sources and has a volume control. Lead time/used availability is an issue. Manley Stingray is a good choice, too. Search the archives, this has been asked ... 
Tube preamp suggestions.
I've owned both the Atma-Sphere and the Joule 150(as well as the Joule 100 mk3). They are both fine but different. IN MY SYSTEM, the Atma-Sphere's strengths were its ability to drive long cable runs thru its balanced outputs, clear articulation o... 
What exactly causes clicks and pops on vinyl?
Agree w/most of the above. So with your budget, here's what you do"Buy good liquid cleaning system from either Walkeraudio or Audio Intelligent. Get good velvety-surfaced cleaning brushes(Disc Doctor or Mobile Fidelity).Buy a couple of large white... 
power cords for Atma-sphere amplifiers?
Silent Source high current version is a pretty good match, at least in my system. Cheers,Spencer 
Miles Davis "Sketches Of Spain"
Hi,Please add me, too. I am fortunate to have found a 1a/1b pressing of this wonderful album. It's really something. Cheers,Spencer 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Bob Backert is awesome. Cheers,Spencer 
Comparing VPI Scoutmaster to Pro-ject RM10
gnugear,what cartridge are you using, and what VTF is it set at? JMW arms need to be set at the high end or even just beyond the heavier end of the range suggested by the manufacturer. Cheers,Spencer 
Question on tube rolling
It differs based on the gear you are using, but warmup can be as long as 2-3 hours to sound its best. When you power down, they usually cool off after just a few minutes, or you can use a towel or oven mitt if you don't want to wait. I'd recommend... 
Cary 805, deHavilland or Atma-Sphere? Anyone cares
The Atma-Sphere OTLs will definitely give you a lot of what you find magical about SETs with the dynamic punch and bottom end that you crave. This will be the case if your speakers are an appropriate match, meaning 8ohm load or higher. With 4ohm s... 
Herron VTSP 2 or First Sound PreAmps
If you consider the LL2, I seriously recommend trying one in your rig before buying it. Of course, that's always good general advice, but here's what happened w/a friend of mine. I'd like the LL2 when I heard it numerous times in show systems w/La...