
Responses from sandthemall

Do you trust your system?
Now that my system has opened up...I feel like I can trust it.  
I treated my room !
Yes, like the OP mentioned, I too had a room treatment revelation that led me to shelve my subs. Nothing wring with’s just that bass gets so clean, clear and deep when acoustics are dialed in that you actually are no longer worried about... 
Your single most significant purchase mistake?
@Jasonbourne52 That's a great find for $20! Mine is the TFM-15CB too. On eBay a few years back I bought a TFM-35 NOS in the box for $450. No pictures, just the outside of the box. This I had compared head to head with Don Sach's Kootenay. And, y... 
Your single most significant purchase mistake?
NAD C275. Not an expensive purchase but was my first real foray into separates. Huge expectations. I had just purchased a NAD preamp and was looking forward to audio bliss. Then for kicks, I put my old 1994 Carver TFM-15 in there and it killed th... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
Holy crap, Mac is exactly like Rolex!!! Both duly well-respected premium brands but no longer considered at the very top.  I've never owned Mac, but would probably go for vintage Mac down the road. I still love everything about the McIntosh bran... 
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
Subs are fine. But you still need to dial in the room. What I’ve found is that when a room is treated well everything improves. Otherwise, you’ll have great bass but still have time smear. Don’t think you have it? Everyone has it to some extent. G... 
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
Your repositioning was a relatively small adjustment and yet it made a big difference. Wait until you get your dedicated listening room. The room is the biggest influencer. You're mostly listening to your room. Small speakers are usually easier in... 
$100K system build - % breakdown of spend
$50k to get the room 'right'. $50k for the gear  
Tube Amp settings: Triode vs UL; 8 ohm vs. 4 ohm ?
The only process is to 'try and see'. I once had 6 ohm, 88db speaker with an impedance dip down to 3 ohms. Naturally I kept the amp on UL mode because that sounded better on most music and hooked the speakers up to the 4 ohm taps. It sounded gre... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Dire Straits / Communique + Brothers in Arms Pat Benatar / Crimes of Passion          
Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates
Also, I got Primaluna because I thought I would eventually trade up to a better amp as my knowledge and comfort level of tube gear grows and that the tube rolling would have helped expedite this process. Unfortunately, in a way, the ownership exp... 
Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates
My Primaluna Evo 400 power amp is so reliable and well made that it is a little bit boring. I sometimes wish I had gotten something I could manually bias every now and then. I’m being totally serious. I made my decision based entirely on the first... 
Oh Ye of Little Format
Blind tests are interesting. In most blind tests, people tend to look for the obvious differences first. So they tend to find the easy things. A bit more treble or bass or loudness...all the things compression can give you. Long ago, I remember l... 
XLR question for bass
I would bet it's room/speaker positioning. I once moved a tall record rack to the other side of the room...right next to the left speaker at what would be the 1st reflection point. I thought bass was fine before, but it was like all frequencies ca... 
your first system-
1995. I was living in Allentown, New Jersey at the time. I decided I wanted to ditch the Kenwood integrated amp and get a true hifi system. I was just starting my career in design so I didn’t have a lot of money. Luckily the local stereo retailer...