
Responses from sandstone

Another Which Bookshelf Speaker Should I Get?
LOL, good point. We who are timeline-challenged should obviously check dates of more than just the last poster. But I must say that some other resurrections on Agon have been much more extreme. Occasionally they are constructive updates on a topic... 
Another Which Bookshelf Speaker Should I Get?
Also recommend the Triangle Titus 202's. They play exceptionally well with tubes. With proper nearfield placement, great soundstage and imaging. If necessary, will tolerate actual "bookshelf" kinds of placement while keeping good tonality. 
Most helpful audio companies
Ayre Acoustics -Charles HansonAudio Waves -Alan GrauModwright -Dan WrightHsu Research -Peter Hsu 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE - Is there anything else?
Modwright is now shipping the LS-100 that takes over where the SWL 9.0SE left off. Apparently better performance, extra Class A headphone plug, and room for planned modular upgrades in the future. Right at $3K new w/ warranty. 
NAD 3155 and 4155 question
Not obscure at all. Check Audiogon Bluebook listing.They retail prices of both components. 
Great films where music is a central theme.
The Soloist. 
Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?
Lewinskih01,"Maybe the real question behind this is whether I can live without a CD player."I noticed an interesting factoid on an audio trade news blog yesterday, to the effect that upwards of 80% of CDs now sold in the USA are thought to be play... 
Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?
Lewinskih01, After owning or listening to a long list of earlier generation DACs and CD systems, I currently own the Bel Canto 3.0 and Ayre QB-9 (192Hz version). I prefer the versatility of the Bel Canto and use it sans preamp, w/balanced ic into ... 
Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?
Lewinskih01,Your post suggests that for your first approach you may have already verified that Ayre QB-9 and other asynch's can now play well with the Touch. I know there was at least a percieved problem earlier, but it may be OBE. That said, plea... 
Help me build a fine PC sound system
Jim, "According to what I saw the other day on the DVD Extractor web siteā€¦ a Blu Ray version is upcoming." Were you ever able to check out DVD Extractor?Cerrot,"I had predicted about about 5 years ago that within 10 years, ethernet would be the st... 
Help me build a fine PC sound system
Tim,Thanks for posting a lead on the Musiland. It's good to see yet another bit of gear that might again disprove the notion by some that major bucks are always needed for good quality computer audio. Although already owning a couple of great DACs... 
which output setting sounds best?
Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI) is the Windows-resident interface provided in Vista and later OS versions that supports exclusive bit-streaming to a specified device in native resolutions up to 24/96 via USB 2.0. There are likey other issues wi... 
cd player or computer with dac
The MPS-3 mentioned by Jasbirnandra gives him the flexibility of multiple digital sources. It's a "world class CD transport combined with a discrete dual differential DAC that can also receive a variety of external digital sources, including compu... 
cd player or computer with dac
The Playback Designs series of DACs and digital players are often-recommended sources of choice for the Dartzeels, and for good reason. All-custom circuitry designed by Andreas Koch (his background in digital design is close to legendary) and refe... 
New NAD 326 BEE Owner -Disappointed Help
OK Jult, good enough, but I think you'll agree he should burn it in and set it up properly, before considering. And as John mentioned, there's still the question of whether his amp would be the next upgrade needed. Maybe one of our vinyl experts c...