
Responses from saki70

Help with compression and dynamic range
Kewadinbob ; Doing your homework will consist of reading recording reviews , if you can find them , or just taking a chance . There may be 2 , 3 or more prints of the same album that may or may not contain the same sound qualities often from diffe... 
Help with compression and dynamic range
Onhwy61 ;Maybe we are talking about two different things here .What I am referring to when I speak of compression is theomission of the highs and lows . This is what is done , as you mentioned , on FM radio . I get the same kind of reduction on so... 
Help with compression and dynamic range
Synthfreek ; Do you believe that cutting off the highs and lows makes the music sound better , on your equipment , than recordings that don't reduce these extremes ?Just curious .Happy Tunes 
Manley Snapper Mono's ur thoughts - PLEASE :
plus 2 on the switch . 
Help with compression and dynamic range
Can anyone explain WHY they would compress a recording ?What is the purpose ? I find it extremely aggravating and the ruination of good music !I hear it not only on digital music but analog (LP) as well .Happy Tunes 
New Ian Anderson
Not bad . Rather undistinguishable from any of his other stuff . Typical leaping gnome ! 
Your First Concert was.....
Heart , at US 131 Martin drag strip Michigan in the mid 70's . They were parking miles away from the entrance and along the highway . The county mounted police were having those cars hauled away ! I made it in and all the way down to the finish li... 
Connecting Cable Box to Preamp
My box has an analog rca left & right out . It's a Cisco box from Bright House cable .If yours does not , I would go optical out to a DAC . I think that HDMI would be overkill for 2 channel audio .Happy Tunes 
Usher Tiny Dancer 2 - opinion
I own the Di Capo I's . I auditioned these against an Usherstandmount and floorstander , VS VR4jr. & VR1 and the Di Capo's . This was done with a SS CJ pre and amp and also with a Cary Sli80 . As I said , I own the Di Capo i's !The Ushers and ... 
Power and low volume listening - my imagination?
I'm happy that you are better off after the change . So many are not .The efficiency and design of your speakers has a lot to do with how they sound with different amounts of power .Using the analogy of the logs ... the difference would be alog 20... 
I have no idea what these speakers are worth
And tell him "happy Speaker Day" ! 
How hot are they ?
Hope springs eternal Almarg ! I have emailed a retailer , for Melody products , as well as the manufacturer for Decware and received nothing in the past 3 days ! Must be a well kept design secret !?Oh well .Thanks for all of everybody's help . 
How hot are they ?
Very good Brf , much appreciated .Everyone please excuse this particular post and respond to my other one with the same title .I apologize for the duplicity here . It took several days for the Audiogon gods to post the first one which made me thin... 
How hot are they ?
Excellent info...thanks Trelja & Al . Especially like the AC consumption thing ! 
How hot are they ?
Just did thanks .By the way...I posted this on the 28th and it didn't appear until today ! Go figure .