
Responses from saki70

Need Help buying headphones and head amps
what's with the underscoring ? 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
As Tomcy6 suggested , I did contact Upscale Audio and asked them about the 'unity gain' circuit situation . I will post their reply here , but first a word . I am doing this for future reference to anyone also wishing to know , and reads this thr... 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
Excellent , thank you David256 . 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
Ok , thank you Tomcy6 . I missed the part about the description of the circuit being completely bypassed .Very helpful response .Happy Tunes . 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
Hi mattmiller ; I agree , the Primaluna stuff is quite nice . Actually some do use a preamp on their integrated . They usually start out with the integrated . Then , to improve the sound , add a preamp . Most integrateds have a dubious gain stage ... 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
Doesn't anyone have any experience with this ? 
Component cable for long runs
Thanks Theo . 
Component cable for long runs
Sufentanil ;With all due respect..I do 'not' have an aversion to HDMI . And I am not talking about a 'direct' lightening strike . I am talking about 'small' surges that take out the HDMI ports in the equipment . The above mentioned surge came in o... 
Component cable for long runs
Theo ;Thank you for the info .You have experience with 6 meter component cables , how about 9 or 10 meters . That is what I am needing to find out about . 
Component cable for long runs
The fragility factor... according to my cable tech . Because HDMI works with a small electrical charge , it is 'more' susceptible to an electrical overload such as a lightening strike . I had lightening enter my home through the cable company's da... 
whats the best amp for klipsch lascala 2?
Back in their day , Mac and Klipsch were a classic pairing . 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
Rebbi ; I see that your room is on the small side .Do you think that the AN J's might be an alternative ?They certainly would be less expensive . 
Oppo as a pre/pro
Ok , thank you to all .Happy Tunes 
Oppo as a pre/pro
Dbphd ;That is sort of where I am at . The Oppo would be my only source as this set up is strictly for HT use . Can you elaborate about the surround and bass management issues that you encountered ?Thank you .Anyone else ? 
Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
Mechans ;Yes , Psvane does make a TII 12AU7 . But I have not found been able to find out much about them .