
Responses from saeyedoc

Mini Mac, Sonos and NAS HELP
Sbleam, what in your opinion makes the Sonos system better than Squeezebox? Seems like they are very similar, but the SB can do higher resolution at a lower price point. 
Getting Rid of a Ground Loop
Had a similar problem, found that 90% of the hum went away when I put the cable TV input through an isolator. Had to use a 3 to 2 prong cheater plug on my amp to completely get rid of it. 
Pioneer S-1EX Loudspeaker
Awesome. Did they give you a trade on your S-2's or did you sell them yourself? I came very close to buying some S2's. Ended up ordering a Salk supercharged songtower (high WAF, smaller footprint than the S2) and a custom CC (no way I was going to... 
best used Pre/Pro for $1000
The 5509 is not available in the US.For $1000 you can get a new Anthem MRX300, I got one to use just as a pre/pro. 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
Ok, Elizabeth, I'm making my wife happy. Ordering a pair of SCST in an unusual spalted beeswing makore that Jim just purchased: thinks it will be very unique.He's making a front... 
Which monitor speaker to choose??
Check with Jim Salk, he was showing a Raal/Illuminator 2-way at a recent show, I think it will sell in the mid-3's, not sure if that's in your price range. So many people liked it that he may make it a standard offering. 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
I've got Jim Salk working on a custom center design to go along with a pair of supercharged song towers or HT2-TLs, well see what he comes up with. 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
We've been working on a custom supercharged center that will fit in the short, wide space between the mantle and the plasma. I think I'm going with the SCST and let my wife pick out the veneer with me. The CC will be in black to match the bezel on... 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
I've got Jim Salk working on a custom center design to go along with a pair of supercharged song towers or HT2-TLs, well see what he comes up with. 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
I don't listen to classical at all. Mostly classic rock, some more modern stuff, occasional Jazz. Sources are DLNA streaming from my Mac to Oppo-93, Blu-ray and DVD concerts, Pandora.Room constraints have me stuck with Paradigm SA-15R 30s for surr... 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
I use ARC on my Anthem MRX300, which I use as a pre/pro into a Parasound HCA2205-A amp. I use a Vandersteen V2W sub. 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
"05-23-12: Kr4The EX center channels employ the same coaxial HF/MF units just as do their L/R partners and, as a result, are really good matches. OTOH, simply having any center in the center and farther from the side walls changes the timbre of it... 
3 identical fronts or dedicated CC
"05-22-12: ElizabethThe identical center speaker is a waste of money. And will be stupid looking just like your wife says."That's ok, she can waste money with the best of them. Having the screen over the fireplace already looks stupid. "Buy speake... 
New or Upgrading Pre - Pro
Another option to consider in that price range is the Anthem MRX300 receiver, to use mainly as a pre/pro, you could use some of the amps for extra surrounds or a second zone. I was looking for pre/pros <5k and ended up with one. It comes with a... 
Pioneer S-1EX Loudspeaker
2chnlbenThanks for your response, unfortunately AVL said they wouldn't be able to sell me 3, only available in pairs. The S7-EX CC won't work for my setup.