
Responses from sabai

What is Musicality?
Hfisher3380,I agree with you completely about the use of the word "musical" when used to describe components. Reviewers will say just about anything to disguise the fact they are sales people in sheep's clothing. They have to be taken with a grain... 
Abbingdon music research AMR cd-77 is how good?
Vze739en,This is exactly how I feel about my AMR DP-777. I use it with a PS Audio PerfectWave transport. The DP-777 is supposed to be very close to the CD-77 but since I have not heard the latter I cannot vouch for that. The DP-777 is about $5000.... 
Forty bucks well spent....
I used to use a permanent marker pen on my CDs. Upgrades made this practice redundant and I removed the marker with alcohol. A word of caution. A problem arose when the spin of my transport caused some of the color to appear outside the transport ... 
Power conditioning for digital gear AND tube amp?
Jriggy,I have over 12 Bybee products in my system. The 3D qualities that Bybee products bring are greatly enhanced by the addition of the isolation transformer. 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Ozzy,Mine needed no breaking in. Please report back when you have all 4 in your system. 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Ozzy,I have my transformer first, then my PowerCell. I have read 2 threads where others have tried daisy-chaining like were are doing. They both got the best results from putting the transformer first -- before the conditioner. I followed their le... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Ozzy,You may want to try putting a small packet of 1/2" x 1/8" neodymium magnets over each transformer. I get good results doing this. 
HiDiamond Digital IC
Knghifi,Thanks -- all in good fun. I am all for whatever makes your system sound better. 
Use of isolation transformer
Gbart,For the isolation transformer I am using an M1 and C-004. I have Oyaide plugs and IECs on Supra LoRad DIY throughout my system. I run power cords in series with the LoRad on one side, Bybee AC Quantum Purifies in between, and Hi Diamond and ... 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Ozzy,I just replaced the stock power cords on my isolation transformer and power regenerator with DIY cabling using Oyaide plugs and IECs. This is a huge improvement across the board. Highly recommended. I may upgrade these DIY power cords later b... 
Use of isolation transformer
I just replaced the stock power cords on my isolation transformer and power regenerator with DIY cabling using Oyaide plugs and IECs. This is a huge improvement across the board. Highly recommended. I may upgrade these DIY power cords later but fo... 
Use of isolation transformer
In series from the wall receptacle I am using a medical grade transformer into 2 power conditioners into a power regenerator (for DAC and transport) with excellent results. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Oldcar63,Ditto -- on the Joseph Audio Pulsar monitors. 
Transformers .. Is It Just Me?
Ozzy,Most welcome. I am interested in your initial observations. My medical grade isolation transformer looked like new. I also installed it before my SR PowerCell. I did not experience the "sharp hardness to the sound" that you are observing. Act... 
HiDiamond Digital IC
Knghifi,Glad to hear about your celebration. Sounds like a lot of fun.