
Responses from sabai

A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
jetter,I would think the commercial aspect of his participation is not secondary. Everyone knows that geoffkait frequently uses the forum to advertise his company’s products. I do not think we would see as ubiquitous a geoffkait if he did not own ... 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
jetter,I agree -- which keeps the commercial aspect of his participation on the forum in gear. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,If you don't care then why bother eliciting opinions about placements, and then take the trouble to comment, "... you are using his diagram incorrectly." Seems like a contradiction to me. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,Since you do not know exactly how I am using his diagram, and to what extent, this is merely speculation on your part. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,My discovery is so good I may commercialize it. So, it will remain proprietary until then. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,On the contrary. I have already entertained such an idea -- and I have done better.  
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,Franck Tchang adjusted a single bowl in the outside courtyard -- not an adjoining room -- and the effects on the music were not subtle, inside the room.I believe this is a lot more complicated than discovering SPL peaks. And I believe Fr... 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
halvis,Please note that the OP is about DIY. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
toddverrone,Thanks for letting me know.czarivey,Congratulations! 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
toddverrone,I use the 1/2" x 1/8" discs (as well as others). So, yours should be comparable. Hopefully they are N48 or N50. The store should know. Have you tried putting a packet of 12 both under and above your breaker?  
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
toddverrone,You're welcome. I'm glad to hear this is working for you. What size and strength are the magnets you are using? Are they neodymium or ferrous? 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
toddverrone,If your wife has a chance to listen she may change her mind. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,One day when I am ready. I trust my own ears. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,Never have. 
A Big DIY Bang for Your Buck?
geoffkait,You stated, "... which one of you knuckleheads is going to be the first one on your block to knock off the Graphene contact enhancer?"I suggest you be the first knucklehead to try this experiment since it is your idea.