
Responses from s2k_dude

Soudstage Height?
your observations don't surprise me at all...soundstaging is a delicate thing. i've seen dramatic changes in depth, height and width by changes various components, especially amps and preamps.as for what gives a sounstage height, i'm no expert but... 
Stock Power Cords?
tim, thanks for the advice. i'll try to keep an open mind about PCs. however, in this hobby, an open mind can get expensive....glad you didn't give up on your stuff. i think you've earned the right to enjoy it. stop upgrading! 
Stock Power Cords?
pattmatt: great analogy! (the titanium link in an aluminum chain thing) i tend to agree although i haven't experimented with aftermarket PCs enough to say for sure. i guess i just don't understand how a high dollar PC is gonna help with a sucky ho... 
Tube Preamp Advice Needed
i vote for option #1, bat 50se, particularly if you run fully balanced. the ARC would be my second choice. CJ stuff is too warm and not my cup'o'tea. don't know about the joule tho.... 
Kharma or Avalon
the avatars are really nice for a small two-way floorstander. i almost bought a pair but went with the arcus instead. never heard the kharmas tho...one thing tho...in my experience, the avalons seem to lean towards the analytical end of the spectr... 
Classe ssp 75 vs lex MC 12 Balanced
keriadums: would you please describe your proc loop in more detail? how is it wired exactly? does the source feed into your preamp or into the processor? then what? thanks. 
Would the Audio Aero Capitole better Theta
natalie, you should be a professional reviewer since you know what's best for all of us. your trademark "component A blows away component B" posts are always informative. 
overheating in DVP S9000es?
tim, it's not close to the vk-75 but it is directly above the vk-30, which also generates a fair amount of heat. i'm sure that's not helping the situation. nonetheless, the sony definitely gets hotter when spinning DVDs, as opposed the CDs (or tha... 
Component with most effect on soundstage/imaging?
i think your findings coincide with mine...the amp and speakers are the most important components followed closely by the preamp. the source is a distant fourth and cables have never made a huge difference for me with respect to imaging. tweaks/is... 
questions about the DVP S9000es
tim, i am now using a BAT vk-30. the 30 sounds great but i recently made the mistake of trying a vk-50 in my system -unbelievable improvement in all respects. i listed the 30 for sale on a-gon with the intention of buying a used vk-50 (can't affor... 
questions about the DVP S9000es
wow, interesting. not much consensus...seems to be a question of which disks, software or recording speed one uses to burn the CDRs. thanks for the info.p.s. i just picked up a factory sealed 9000es with warranty from authorized dealer for $825. m... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
paul: not to belabor this point but you are not still not getting it: the benefits of spending $2k versus $500 on a cdp are INSIGNIFICANT, especially when paired with a $550 integrated amp. you'd get MUCH better bang-for-the-buck by spending that ... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
paul: i said "comparable CDPs", meaning within a certain price range. as i also said, i believe that the differences among CDPs under 2k are very difficult to detect unless you have very high resultion stuff. this thread concerns a system with a t... 
Stereophile's A+ vs A rating leaves a question
i can only speak for the 508.24, which was awesoime while i had it. i sold it for the $$$ but now have regrets for doing so. it's a very musical player yet has great detail nonetheless. the bass response rocks too. as for the others, i have heard ... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
i totally agree with the last post. i defy anyone to conduct a true DBX test for comparably decent CD players. i am not holding my breath.regardless, there's no question that differences among speakers, amps and preamps are MUCH easier to hear tha...