
Responses from rzemkoski

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"Its my life, and I'll do what I want." 
Best live album you've ever heard?
Michel Jonasz' "la fabuleuse histoire de Mister Swing" is one of the best recordings I own; be it live or studio, analog or digital. The dynamics, open soundstage and slam of this imported 2 disc CD are fantastic (and this is 1988 digital)!. The m... 
Best live album you've ever heard?
Michel Jonasz' "la fabuleuse histoire de Mister Swing" is one of the best recordings I own; be it live or studio, analog or digital. The dynamics, open soundstage and slam of this imported 2 disc CD are fantastic (and this is 1988 digital)!. The m... 
Ambient / New Age Anyone?
Chris, for a deep space experience, you must hear Michael Stearns'"Encounter". Two other titles I can recommend by Stearns are " The Lost World" and " Sacred Site"; all of which are availible on the Hearts of Space label. The sonics on these recor... 
Ambient / New Age Anyone?
Anyone remember Eno's 'ambient" speaker system instructions on the back cover of On Land? Place a "mini" speaker behind you at the apex of the main speakers and wire the "mini" to the two positive posts of your amp. The out of phase information no... 
Ambient / New Age Anyone?
Kraftwerk's "Ralf and Florian" started me on this peaceful genre. Other favorites include: Edgar Frose-Aqua, Michael Stearns-Planetary Unfolding, Eno/Jon Hassell-Fourth World Vol. 1 Possible Musics, Harold Budd-White Arcades, John Serrie-And the S... 
B&W 802 seriesIII-effect of Northcreek cross overs
I had a pair of 802 111's and like you, loved the sound, but wanted a little more detail and spaciousness. I applied Combak Harmonix Tuning Devices to the front cabinets and viola! Series 5! The ABSOLUTE BEST tweak I'd ever heard besides ASC tube ... 
What's everybody listening to this evening?
Good one, Sean! Dalis Car will begin my evening. Then a little Stump followed by Split Enz's Mental Notes. Long live the strange! 
Revel Salon/Studio Owners What setup do you use?
In my 20x30ft. room, I can spread the Salon 12ft. apart for a wide soundstage. Nearfield listening reduces any confused imaging (Tube Traps also help considerably). But I firmly believe that most speakers should be sub-woofed for maximum slam. Tha...