
Responses from rwanda

Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
It seems that there might be an issue with reliability and the 300b....I brought it up as I would love to get the Elrog but not if they fail. Years ago I had the KR-XLS tubes in a Cary 300SEI LX...went thru 3 pair in 18months before Cary stopped u... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Has anyone heard or had experience with Elrog 300b tubes failing? I was very interested to get a pair but heard this from one source -cannot confirm it is true or not. Thanks 
Cary 300SEI - tube rolling/modifications
RodmanThanks...I got a Sylvania Vt231 and just was able to get National Electronics Nu6sn7 black glass....just burning it in now. Those both made a difference in sound....and of course the KR Balloons are finally settling in...many wonderful hours... 
Cary 300SEI - tube rolling/modifications
I hope someone can answer if there are some serious mods to be done to upgrade this amp further.....besides those outlined by Cary.Thanks 
Cardersound Nina's underwhelming...
Wonder if you can speak about these in comparison to say Zu Omen speakers???Am considering the two for a 300b integrated I use ...and would like to know if there is similar quality in bass and mid-range? thanks 
Triode TRV A300SER Integrated
So again any direct reviews or thoughts on the product mentioned? Teejay, would love to know your thoughts on this TRI amp if you have reviewed it or heard it.....I hear good things about the Melody but this A300SER has specific features which I w... 
funk firm t'tables?
LSD, little super deck, WOW....try it with the FF FX.RII arm, amazing combination. I am just "burning in " my Maestro V2 on this combo, it is stunning.